Thursday, January 29, 2009



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Bayangol District
Post35 Box74
210135 UB

Dear Bayarmaa,

I'm spending my holiday nicely in Mongolia. This country is located in Central Asia between Russia and China. Mongolia is a democratic coutry. It consists of twenty-one aimags. I think aimags are like states of the USA, each of which has its own gevernment. But aimags have one government. It's a difference between states and aimags. Although the population of Mongolia is about 2.5 million, it has very wild wide land and nature's so beautiful. The south of this country is located Gobi, that's so different from other desert. For example: The weather of the Sahara desert isn't well-ballanced. But winter and summer tempratures of the Gobi are equal around -40-+40. Many bones of dinosaurs founded from Gobi. I watched a museum about it from "Mongolian Nature's Museum". Mongolian wild nature's so stunning. I never watch like this country before. A few days ago I went to the Dornod's flat, which is located the east of Mongolia. It's so wide. I couldn't see another side. I thought it seemed limitless continuous flat.

Mongolians tend to be short, with dark-brown hair and light skin. They are good-looking. People who live in Mongolia are friendly, kind,generous and sensible. Most of them are Tibetan Buddhist. They who are well known for Chinggis Khaan are proud of their rich history. Chinggis Khaan who established the Mongolian Empire was the greatest king. Some other countries made films about Chinggis Khaan. But the sad part of mongolian history was Manchu's oppression for 200 years. Mongolian history is so interesting for me. Mongolians are very clever, because it's seen from their reach cultures, histories, legends, festivals and mode of living. I listened before about Chinggis Khaan who take fifth place of IQ among other coutry's famous people. Their each cultures have contents. It likes me.

Mongolian capital is Ulaanbaatar. It's located around four mountains. A half of population lives in their capital city. Another half lives in the country. They live in flat or in palings with their private house. In their palings there are ger or little house with one floor or two foors, toilet, garbage cans, old wooden houses for something so on... People in country side raise five kind of animals: sheeps,goats,cattles,horses and camels. They use animals for food and mount. Mongolia has camels with two humps, that are getting rare in the world. I rode it at the first time. It's so exciting.

Mongolians like eating meats and white products. Those are very good for human body and health. But in Ulaanbaatar there are many european,chinese,japanese and korean foods restaurants.I think they like eating those,too. But their traditional foods include meat. For example: meat dumpling, buuz, huushuur etc... Those are very delicious.

Mongolians celebrate many festivals throughout the year. They also eat their traditional foods. Most of them like Naadam and Tsagaan sar. Tsagaan sar means "White Month" and its main idea is to be getting nicely all thing.

Next week I'm going to Kharkhorin with me new mongolian friends. I heard about it was very beautiful ancient city and a capital of Mongolia,but it destroyed and I'm watching "Erdene zuu" monastery, which has 108 suwargas/those are little buildings of Buddhist for praying/.I hope this place is so beautiful. I am looking forward to watch it.

I think you should come here, especially in summer. I'm sure you would love it. See you soon!

Yours Sincerely,

P.S:I never haven't been in Mongolia. The summer holiday I came in it at the first time. I wrote a letter to my english teacher Bayarmaa.

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From Rag to Riches
энгийнээс эгэл од болсон нь

Liza Smithe is successful British singer.-Лиза Смит бол амжилтанд хүрсэн британы дуучин юм. Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concert for millions of fans.-Түүний инээмсэглэсэн царай олон улсын сэтгүүлийн нүүр царай болон хэвлэгддэг, мөн тэр жил болгон олон мянган шүтэн бишрэгчиддээ концертоо толилуулахийн тулд дэлхийн өнцөг булан руу аялдаг.

However,life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool.Хэдий тийм боловч ливэрпүүлээс гаралтай энэ сэргэлэн залуухан одод амьдрал маш өөрөөр хандсан."Eight years ago," says Liza,"I lived in a small terraced house with the my parents and three brothers."Найман жилийн өмнө би жижиг байшинд эцэг,эх, гурван дүүтэйгээ амьдардаг байлаа.It was very cramped!- Манайх их давчуу байсан.We didn't have a lot of money, so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet.-Бид мөнгө багатай байсан учраас орлого зарлагаа тэнцвэртэй байлгахын тулд би орон нутгын эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгч хийдэг байсан.I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shop.Би хувцсаа хуучин юм зардаг дэлгүүрээс авдаг байлаа.I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate.-Би чипс, шоколад идэх дуртай байсан учраас тэр үед их махлаг байсан.In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach.Чөлөөт цагаараа би коллежийн хоорд дуулах эсвэл далайн хөвөөгөөр алхдаг байсан.I didn't use to go to clubs because they were very expensive.I used to listen to the radio a lot,though.Клубууд их үнэтэй учраас би ордоггүй байсан ,гэхдээ би радио маш их сонсдог байлаа.I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties.-Би бүх поп дууны үгийг цээжилж мөн хүмүүс намайг үдэшлэгтээ дуулуулахаар хөлсөлдөг байсийм.My friends liked my voice a lot,so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company. Миний хоолойнд найзууд маань дуртай байсан учраас намайг дуу бичлэгийн компанд кассет илгээхийг ятгасан юм.That's how it all started for me.Ингээд л миний хувьд бүх зүйл эхэлсэн.Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.Гурван долоо хоногын дараа би нөгөө компаниас утасны дуудлага хүлээн авсанаар миний амьдрал бүхлээрээ өөрчлөгдсөн юм" гэж тэр хэлсэн юм.

Today, Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter.Одоо Лиза нөхөр,бяцхан охинтойгоо Лондонд гадаанаа сайхан цэцэрлэгтэй том байшинд амьдардаг.She is much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes.- Тэр одоо маш туранхай болсон түүнчлэн дизайнерийнхаа чамин хувцастай маш хээнцэр харагддаг.She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape.Тэр биеийнхээ галбирыг хадгалах гэж өдөр бүр биеийн тамирын танхимруу явдаг ба байнгын хоолны дэглэм барьдаг.In her free time she enjoys going to the teatre of to parties.Тэр чөлөөт цагаараа театр юмуу үдэшлэгрүү явахыг таашаах болсон.

Liza's life has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool
Лизагийн амьдрал ливерпүүл дэх тэдгээр өдрүүдээс хойш маш их өөрчлөгдсөн."I think I'm very lucky to lead the life I do today.Би одоог бүтээн амьдарлаа зохиож байгаа нь би маш их азтайнх гэж боддог. It's not easy,though, because I don't have the privacy that I used to have.-Надад байсан амьдрал маань үгүй болсон хэдий ч үүнийг өөрчлөхөд амаргүй байсан. Still,I have a lovely family and a very promising career.-Би хайрламаар гэр бүл, маш их ирээдүйтэй ажилтай. What else could I ask for?" she says."Үүнээс илүү юуг би хүсэх гэж?"гэж тэр хэлсэн юм.

US said...

Mini test



64--"I love going to the teatre."
*"So do I";
65-At the moment,Jim's riding his bicycle.
66-John gave her the gift.
67-Julie wakes up at 7:00 every morning.
68-Mike is going to a party on Saturday.
69-Donna use to have long hair.
70-Mr Smith works at the General Hospital.
71-Is the Sears Tower one of the tallest buildings in the world?
72-Sam often eats Chinese food.
73-Her bicycle is more comfortable than Tom's.
74-Did you watch the football game last night?

US said...

Bayangol District
Post35 Box74
210135 UB


Dear Teacher,

How do you do? I'm very pleased for your wroten letter to me. Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, is so interesting city for shopping. I wrote you about my journey's plan. Since I came from Kharkhorin city, then I did shopping. Mongolian shopping has ancient history. When Chinggis Khaan was alive,very big trade,which is famous "Torgonii zam"(Silk Road was trade way like milky way),used to pass by today Mongolian West aimags. The merchants used to transport their products and a special good "Silk" on camels caravan. I wrote you about Mongolian camels with 2 humps. They are so splendour, power and very calm. In their "The Mongolian Secret Summary", Chinggis Khaan sended 500 tradors to Khorizm,which was ancient city, for trading in 1218, but Khorizm's king didn't allow it and killed mongolian 499 tradors. One trader come back and told Chinggis Khaan about it. Then this situation was a reason of a terrible war.

I heard before about Mongolian top brand Gobi and I went to one branch of it. Gobi Corporation was established in 1981 with the technical and financial support from the government of Japan. They said that Gobi Corporation is one of the biggest cashmere processing factory in the world with capacity to process 1000 tons of raw cashmere and 200 tons of camel wool. I use their soft cashmere's and camel woollen clothes. Those have excellent quality and fashionable clothes. Fortunately, I had a chance to see the amazing stages that transfers raw cashmere to sweaters and I did a factory tour. It was so interesting. Their motto is "Where elegance meets quality". In UB, there are about ten branches of Gobi Cahmere. Those time tables are from ten in the morning till eight in the evening, from Monday to Friday or till seven in the evening, in the weekends. I hope you can find what you want. Oh, I forgot. It's located in Khan-Uul district.

The largest department store of Mongolia in street Pease Aveneu offers a great variety of high quality chic clothes, furniture, perfumes beauty products for your skin and its feature, world's top brand's clothes, jewellery... so on. On the first floor there are beauty products, CD shop, a service of wash pictures. little flower shop and I saw exceptional car and its price about 20000 dollars. You can find your home goods from second floor, and furniture, electrical products which are famous brands Sharp, Philips, Sony, Hitachi etc... or carpets, which are excellent and has high quality carpets of one of the famous brands Erdenet, from third or fourth floor. I saw the Mongolian souvenirs on fourth floor next to elevator and bought something. In my opinion you should watch.There's cars' shopping on square in front of it. Those cars are LEXUS, WOLKSWAGEN of Germany, HYUNDAI, INFINITI, TOYOTA etc...

I know you like reading books. You can buy interesting, new, foreign languages and for children books from the bookstore "Inter" in the street "Baga toiruu". If you want to interest rare books, you will find them from the small bookstall, which is located next to "Bridge with lions".

If you want to buy fashionable clothes, shoes and famous brand's perfume, you need to go to department stores in Ard Ayush Aveneu. You can find chic shoes from "Suuhii" and beauty products of perfumes from "Tushig store. I bought a new notebook from "Next"store in the Piece Aveneu. There were PCs and notebooks of DELL,HP,HASEE,TOSHIBA,SONY,HAIER, ACER and FUJITSU.

At last,if you come here, you should look after your bag,wallet and cell phone, and be careful from pickpockets. Oh, I forgot. On Peace Aveneu , a new, big department store will make discovery in a short time.Before that you need to come here. Let's do shopping together.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you?

Yours Sincerely,

US said...

Bill Gates
Билл Гэйтэс


Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most successful people in the world. -Дэлхий дээрх хамгийн баян, амжилтанд хүрсэн хүмүүсийн нэг болох Билл Гэйтэсийг хүн бүр сонссон байх. Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31.- 1975 онд тэр найзтайгаа хамтран эхлэсэн бизнес Microsoft нь дэлхийн хамгийн том компьютерийн програм хангамжийн компани болсон ба Гэйтэс 31 насандаа дэлхийн хамгийн залуу тэрбумтан болсон юм.

2.Early Life-Багын амьдрал

His full name is William Henry Gates [1], and he was born on 28th October, 1955, in Seattle, USA. Түүний бүтэн нэр нь нэгдүгээр Виллиам Хэнри Гэйтэс ба тэр 1955 оны 10 сарын 28нд АНУ-гийн Ситтлэ-д төрсөн. At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science. Удалгүй Билл маш ухаалаг, ялангуяа Математик болон Байгалийн шинжлэх ухаанд сайн гэдгээ сургуульдаа үзүүлсэн юм. His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first began to use computers. Тэр анх компьютер хэрэглэж эхлэсэн Лэйксайд дахь хувийн сургууль руу түүнийг эцэг эх нь явуулахаар шийдлээ. 13-year-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork. 13 настай Билл Гэйтэс болон түүний сургуулийн найз Паул Аллэн нар бүх цагаа програм бичихэд зориулдаг байсан ба гэрийн даалгавраа хийхийн оронд компьютеруудыг судладаг байжээ.

3.Later life-Дараагийн амьдрал

After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university.1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкийн хамгийн алдартай их сургууль болох Харвардад орлоо. The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers. Жилийн дараа тэр Паул Аллен нар дэлхийн анхны бичил компьютеруудын нэг болох Алтейр-д зориулан ашиглалтын програм бичжээ. The two friends started Microsoft in1975, and Gates left Harvard. 1975 онд Гэйтэс сургуулиа орхин хоёр найз Microsoft-ийг байгуулжээ. Before long, Microsoft was a major business success. Удалгүй Microsoft гол амжилтын бизнес болсон юм. Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world’s leading PC software. Үүнээс хойш дэлхийн персональ компьютерийн програмын ихэнхийг нь үйлдвэрлэдэг компани болон өсөн өргөжжээ. One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking. Түүний амжилтын үндэс нь Гэйтэс үргэлж хичээнгүй байж, хүсэл зорилго доо хүрэхийг эрмэлзсэн юм. This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in 1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road Ahead. Энэ нь түүнд хувийн амьдралаа зохиох цаг үлдээгээгүй боловч 1994 онд тэр Microsoft-ийн ажилтан Мэлинда Фрэнчтэй гэрлэсэн ба 1995 онд тэр шилдэг борлуулалттай Туулж өнгөрүүлсэн амьдрал номоо бичжээ.

4.Character/Likes/Plans-Түүний зан/дуртай зүйлс/төлөвлөгөөнүүд

Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft. “There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had, but I do like my job,” he said.Билл Microsoft-ыг цааш ажиллуулахдаа ихэнх цагаа зарцуулсан тухайгаа хэлэхдээ “Хэдий би эдгээрийг хийж бүтээсэн ч миний хийгээгүй зүйл маш олон зүйл байгаа.” When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science.Амрахыг хүссэн үедээ тэр оюун ухаан хөгжүүлэх тоглоом, гольф болон шинжлэх ухааны тухай унших дуртай. For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family. Тэр баян хүн хэдий ч түүний амьдрал энгийн бөгөөд тэр өөртөө болон гэр бүлдээ бага цаг зарцуулдаг. When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous. Гэйтэсд бусдад туслах боломж гарсан үед тэр маш өглөгч байдаг. He has already given huge amounts of money to chairity, and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires. Тэр аль хэдийн өглөг буянд мөнгөнийхөө нилээдийг зориулсан ба тэр тэтгэвэртээ гараад эд хөрөнгөө бараг бүгдийг нь бусдад хандивлахаар төлөлөвлөж байгаагаа хэлсэн юм.

US said...

62-stopped;63-said;64-started; 65-went;66-saw;67-held;68-sang; 69-were;70-was he doing;71-decided;

US said...
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US said...

Mini test#3
49yet;50ever;51as soon as;52until; 53just;54when;55already;56many;

US said...

My future

Every people wan to have a nice life, they have been built themselves. But it’s impossible, they are thinking about. I believe that if you want to change and build nicely your life it will be possible. The one of most important things is your dream and your intention for changing life.

For me, I want to be a good engineer of telecommunication. Because 3G technology has already begun to be developed in Mongolia, the cellular operator companies need to open the new branches and there’re new workplaces. In general, communication’s profession is very necessary in each country. In my opinion, the reason why cell phones have a lot of capabilities, that there are they inside of computers.

Also, one important thing is foreign languages. It’s one of method to introduce new foreign technology and technique. Especially I want to learn languages of developed countries. For example: German, English and Japanese or Chinese. At my secondary school I was learning German and I want to improve my German, especially for telecommunication. Now I’m learning English at the university and I want to improve my English too.

I heard before, Chinese 3000 hanzi and its meanings are as Japanese. So, I need to learn one of them. My older brother works as a Chinese translator. My brother can’t teach me Chinese, because he and I are busy.

Engineers of TC have to be hardworking and to have a lot of knowledge about their profession. For they work on pictures, they have to draw very well and solve problem.

At the last, if I am a good engineer of TC, it will be a key to open my dreams’ gate. There is to live nicely in the palm of my hand. You too…I hope that...

US said...


Each people love to eat some food themselves. Most of them like to eat junk food or something with sugar. But those aren’t healthy to people’s bodies. Some of them can refuse from them for their health, but other can’t. If you can eat food correctly, it will be a medicine. If you can’t, it will influence badly to your body.

You need to eat your food calmly. When you are angry or nervous, you shouldn’t to eat a food. It’s very important. Also you should eat something to masticate well and slowly. If you eat like that, it will digest easily in your stomach.

You shouldn’t eat to be full. It’s to reduce a productivity of your work. At the first, you should eat your food calmly and then you need to drink something after from 20 to 30 minutes.

Most of students don’t have breakfast. Especially, they have a lesson in the morning. It’s very bad for their health. If they don’t eat something in the evening, their stomach are getting to decrease and then they have pains of stomach, since you have to have breakfast.

So that most of women want to be slim, they eat a little or are on a diet or to use medicines for being slim. But those methods are incorrect. If you want to be health and to have normal weight, you should eat foods correctly.
At the last, you never forget that food is a medicine or harm…

US said...

Mini test #4
35-has been posted;36-are treated;
37-shouldn't;38-will be visited;
39-was baked;40-was stolen;
41-is made;42-have been sent out;
43-is sold by;44-letters must be written by;
45-is spoken;46-was discovered by;
60.61-Angkor Wat is located in Cambodia,South-East Asia.
62.63-I can see wonderful sculptures on the walls that show dancers and musicians of the 12th centuries.
64.65-Angkor was destroyed by the Thais in 1431.
66.67-Angkor Wat made by Henri Mouhot who was a French explorer well known to the world in 1860.
68.69-The French people began restoring Angkor Wat from 1908. That hasn't been completed yet.

US said...

Our environment

Today our invented techniques and technologies are developing with high speed from day to day. It’s very good. But many problems are originating from them. Now, we are going to choose techniques and technologies that work with nature and our environment not against. Every year people’s needs are in increasing. For example: cars, computers, cell phones, chemical waste so on. People are destroying nature by their own hands. We confront these problems. This is our air pollution, our polluted water and our trash.

We always use cars which produce fumes. Scientists are studying cars which produce oxygen and I heard from a friend that two buses are working in the Britain. If these have benefits, I hope we’ll use them in the future.

Some countries like in Africa, hunters kill wild animals. Some of these animals are becoming extinct because of that hunting. If we kill animals, nature’s equilibrium is lost. Now it’s already beginning. For example: global warming, the result of that is the Antarctica is melting, the water’s level is increasing and some islands are disappearing.

Most of us use wooden cabinets or objects made of wood. But people are destroying trees because of that. The most important thing is we must plant trees if we take from forest. In Mongolia many people steal trees from forest. It’s very bad for us and our health.

In the summer especially Mongolians wash their cars, their clothes, carpets so on in the river Tuul or Selbe. We use Tuul’s water for drinking. It’s very dangerous to our health. If we want to be healthy, we have to save the rivers and lakes, but protect them too. It’s our role for being a citizen.

For Mongolia trash is a big problem. Some Mongolians don’t throw trash in the can or give to the trash compactors. Sometimes companies collecting trash don’t do their work. For children, they see their parents throw their trash everywhere they want it and children follow them. We need to teach the children to don’t throw trash everywhere.

We need to do a lot of things for saving nature. Because human beings are very clever, we should invent new techniques and technologies which don’t have bad influences on nature. Otherwise, we can invent new technologies for saving nature.

All in all, everyone can do their part to save nature. You can help by doing something at home or in your profession. We must understand that very well. If we don’t want to exterminate nature, otherwise we’ll become extinct too. Don’t forget we are always with nature.