My self Hello:My name is Khandsuren and i'm eighteen years old.I live in Ulaanbaatar, mongolia.I'am a teleconmunication student.My favourite sport is volleyball and tennis.I have got long straight black hair and brown eyes.I'm well-bult. I have small nose and yellowish complexion. I can cook very well but i can't swim.
This is my's nise and small.There is a carpet on the floor.There are books on the table.There is a lamp next to table. there are chairs in the front of windows. i like bedroom.
My family is small. There are my gramdpa and two sisters.My grandpa is Dashzebeg. He is herder.He is sixty years old. He is old. He is short and slim.He has got short and grey hair big black eyes.He has got a big nose.My sister name is Oyonsaikhan. she is twenty five years old. She is young.she is intraktive. she is tall and fat.she has got short black hair and big brown eyes. she favourite sport is volleyball.She can't speak english guite well. my sister name is Nandia. she is twenty one years old.she has got short black hair and black eyes.
Work day I get up at 6:30 in the morning every day. I get dressed then I have breakfast then go to school.I arrives at school about 8:30. School starts at 8:40. I have a lunch at school at 12;00 then has a few more lessons. My lessons finish at 18;00 and I go back home. I gets home at 19;30. I usually does home work in the evening.
Holiday I get up at nine o'clock in the morning every weekends.After I have a breakfast. I always wash the my clothes. I usually go to cinema. I back home in the evening.After that Y usually watch TV. Sometimes I read a book. I go to bed 10;30.
Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar is the largest city in's also home to film stars, sunny and windy weather, tall building and heavy traffic. Accommodation The hotels in Ulaanbaatar are expensive than those ih many other Mongolian citis, but they are dirty and safe. bus-stops where you can get cheap rides to the various signts Places to visit There are many interesting places you can visit, universal studios to see how they make film and Tenges.Children can visit the children's park. One of the most place. Eating out There are famous restaurants you can eat at like the sguarty centre, a place packed with selebrities or Bayangol restaurant for the most delicious Shopping You can buy cheap fashionable clotnes on Achlal. A visit there is always unforgettable.
Ulaanbaatar is a modern city with something for everyone it's quate and big but it's also fascinating.
Mongolia is a very beautiful country with a culture, just south of Russia. centre-east asia and continental climate. Mongolian city is Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar is just north Bogd mountain.
Mongolian has a continental climate. The winter cold and snow.In spring and autumn it is windy, but rainy. In summer it is always hot vand sunny. Sometimes it very rains. Summer is my favorite season.
Mongolian people are good-looking. They are well-built witch delicate features. They have got straight black hair, brown eyes and fair complexion.the Mongolian are very friendly people. Wo are well known for being generous and happyly.Sometimes they are lazy and bossy.
Most people in Mongolian in countryside consist of ger and city consist of house.Most of the people in the city and countryside are farmmers and businessmen. The men usually does hardworking and the women does housework and business.
The food is delicous. They are eating soups, meat, milk and yoghurt but i is'nt spisy and seafood
Mongolian is guite ancient history building Kharkharum. This is mongolians ancient city.We are proud of Kharkhorum.
Mongolia is a very beautiful country with a culture, just south of Russia. centre-east asia and continental climate. Mongolian city is Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar is just north Bogd mountain.
Mongolian has a continental climate. The winter cold and snow.In spring and autumn it is windy, but rainy. In summer it is always hot vand sunny. Sometimes it very rains. Summer is my favorite season.
Mongolian people are good-looking. They are well-built witch delicate features. They have got straight black hair, brown eyes and fair complexion.the Mongolian are very friendly people. Wo are well known for being generous and happyly.Sometimes they are lazy and bossy.
Most people in Mongolian in countryside consist of ger and city consist of house.Most of the people in the city and countryside are farmmers and businessmen. People in countryside raise fire kind of animals. Sheep, goats, cattles, horses and camel. They use animals for food.We are eating meat.The men usually does hardworking and the women does housework and business.
The food is delicous. They are eating soups, meat, milk and yoghurt but i is'nt spisy and seafood
Mongolian is guite ancient history building Kharkharum. This is mongolians ancient city.Mongolian are clever because it's seen from their reach cultures histories legends and mode of living. We are proud of Kharkhorum.
Liza Smithe is successful British singer.Лиза бол азтай Британи дуучин Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concert for millions of fans.Тэрээр үндэсний сэтгүүл дээр инээмсэглэсэн мөрхмэй харагддаг ба жил бүр тэр өөр өөр аялаж концерт тоглон үй олон шүтэн бишрэгчтэй болсон.
However,life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool.-Гялалзсан залуу од амьдрал өөр байсан. "Eight years ago," says Liza,"I lived in a small terraced house with the my parents and three brothers. -"8 жилийн өмнө, би жижигхэн байшанд эцэг эх ба 3 эрэгтэй дүүгийн хамт амьдардаг байсан.It was very cramped!- Энэ маш зай муутай байсан. We didn't have a lot of money, so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet.-Бидэнд маш их мөнгө олддоггүй, тиймээс би орон нутгийн эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгч хийдэг байсан. I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shop.Би хэрэгцээнийхээ хувцасыг хуучин хувцасны дэлгүүрээс худалдан авдаг. I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate.-Би маш мяраалаг боловч шарсан төмс ба шоколад идэх дуртай байсан. In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach.-Би чөлөөт цагаараа найрал дууны коллежид дуулдаг ба далайн эргээр алхдаг байсан. I didn't use to go to clubs because they were very expensive.I used to listen to the radio a lot,though.Би клубээр явж чаддаггүй учир нь тэр маш үнэтэй иймээс радио сонсон өнгөрүүлдэг.I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties.-Би поп дуунуудын бүх үгүүдийн цээжилдэг.My friends liked my voice a lot,so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company.- Миний найзууд миний дуунд дуртай, тэд дуугаа дуу бичлэгийн компанид илгээ гэж ятгадаг. That's how it all started for me.Ингээд л миний хувьд бүх зүйл эхлэсэн. Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.-3 долоон хоногийн дараа надруу тэр компаниас дуудлага ирээд миний амьдралыг тэр бүр мөсөн өөрчилсөн.
Today, Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter.-Өнөөдөр Лиза том байшин, гадна талдаа цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнтэй ба эр нөхөр жижигхэн охинтойгоо амьдарч байна. She is much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes.- Тэр маш гоолиг ба маш дэгжин хувцасладаг. She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her bode in shape.Тэр үргэлж хоолний дэглэм барьж гимнастик хийн биеийн хэлбэрээ хадгалдаг. In her free time she enjoys going to the teatre of to parties.Тэр чөлөөт цагаараа театр явдаг.
Liza's life has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool.-Тэр үеээс хойш Лизаагийн амьдрал Ливэрпүүлд байхаас өөрчлөгдөн."I think I'm very lucky to lead the life I do today.Өнөөдөр минйй амьдрал маш аз жаргалтай байна It's not easy,though, because I don't have the privacy that I used to have.-Үүнийг хийхэд хялбар байгаагүй. Still,I have a lovely family and a very promising career.Миний хайртай гэр бүл ба ирээдүйтэй мэргжил What else could I ask for?" she says. Үүнээс илүү юу хүсэх вэ
Ulaanbaatar the capital of Mongolia, is a shopper's paradise, weel as thousands of delightful smaller and bigger shops.
Ulaanbaatar has antique shop, butvher's,confe3ctioner's jeweller's florist's, depertment store bigger shops.They are usually in Enebish street. Enebish is very big street. There is usually rich people.There you can buy fashionable, clothes, shoes, and jewellery.For shopper's with big bank account there is a wide range of jewellers and designer fashion house. Mongolia department store very big history. The next to of the Sukhbaatar square is department store. It was opened in 1960-1980.As well as fruit, sweets, flowerts and clothes etc
Shops in Ulaanbaatar are usually open from eight am or nine am in the morning till about eleven pm in the evening, from Monday to Saturday. the big sales come after Ghristmas, Tsagaan sar and Naadam. Tsagaan sar is the most important holiday in Mongolia. It is in either January or February Tsagaan sar is Mongolian's new year.
Don't miss the chance to go Shopping in Ulaanbaatar. There is always something to suit everyone's pocket and tast.
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most successful people in the world. Внлл Гейтсийг хүн бүр согссон байх тэр бол дэлхийн хамгийн баян жаргалтай хүн. Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31. Тэр найзтайгаа хамт Microsoft-ийхоо бизнесийг 1975 онд эхлүүлж эгэ нь дэлхийн томоохон КПХ-ийн компани болсон ба Гейтс 31 насандаа дэлхийн залуухан тэрбуитан болсон.
His full name is William Henry Gates [1], and he was born on 28th October, 1955, in Seattle, USA. Түүний эцгийн нэр бол Виллиам Хэнри Гэйтэс ба тэр 1955 оны 10 сарын 28нд АНУ-гийн Ситтлэ-д төрсөн. At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science.Сургуульдаа Билл удалгүймаш ухаалаг гэдгээ харуулж ялангуяа Математик болон Байгалийн шинжлэх ухаанд сайн байсан. His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first began to use computers. Тэр анх компьютер хэрэглэж эхлэсэн Лэйксайд дахь хувийн сургууль руу түүнийг эцэг эх нь явуулахаар шийдлээ. 13-year-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork. Билл Гэйтэс 13 настайдаа сургуулийнхаа найз Паул Аллэнтай бүх цагаа програм бичихэд зориулж хичээл хийхийн ород компьютеруудыг судладаг байсан.
After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university.Дараа нь 1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкийн хамгийн алдартай Харвардийн их сургуульд явсан. The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers. Дараа жил нь тэр Паул Аллен нар дэлхийн анхний Алтайр програм бичсэн ба анхны microcomputer-г зохиосон. The two friends started Microsoft in1975, and Gates left Harvard. 1975 онд Гэйтэс сургуулиа орхин хоёр найз Microsoft-ийг байгуулжээ. Before long, Microsoft was a major business success. Урт хугафаанд Microsoft-н ихэнх бизнес амжилт олсон . Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world’s leading PC software. Үүнээс хойш дэлхийн персональ компьютерийн програмын ихэнхийг нь үйлдвэрлэдэг компани болон өсөн өргөжжээ. One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking. Түүний амжилтын үндэс нь Гэйтэс үргэлж хичээнгүй байж, хүсэл зорилго доо хүрэхийг эрмэлзсэн юм. This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in 1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road Ahead. Энэ нь түүнд хувийн амьдралаа зохиох цаг үлдээгээгүй боловч 1994 онд тэр Microsoft-ийн ажилтан Мэлинда Фрэнчтэй гэрлэсэн ба 1995 онд тэр шилдэг борлуулалттай Туулж өнгөрүүлсэн амьдрал номоо бичжээ.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft. “There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had, but I do like my job,” he said.Билл Microsoft-ыг цааш ажиллуулахдаа ихэнх цагаа зарцуулсан тухайгаа хэлэхдээ “Хэдий би эдгээрийг хийж бүтээсэн ч миний хийгээгүй зүйл маш олон зүйл байгаа.” When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science.Амрахыг хүссэн үедээ тэр оюун ухаан хөгжүүлэх тоглоом, гольф болон шинжлэх ухааны тухай унших дуртай. For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family. Тэр баян хүн хэдий ч түүний амьдрал энгийн бөгөөд тэр өөртөө болон гэр бүлдээ бага цаг зарцуулдаг. When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous. Гэйтэсд бусдад туслах боломж гарсан үед тэр маш өглөгч байдаг. He has already given huge amounts of money to chairity, and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires. Тэр аль хэдийн өглөг буянд мөнгөнийхөө нилээдийг зориулсан ба тэр тэтгэвэртээ гараад эд хөрөнгөө бараг бүгдийг нь бусдад хандивлахаар төлөлөвлөж байгаагаа хэлсэн юм.
My name is Khandsuren, 18 years old shcool from Ulaanbaatar
I'd like to work telecommunication engineer because I like hardworking meeting people.The things in our lives are improving with technology each day.
i't is hot an easy job thought, as engineers have to be brave, hardworking and friendly. They often work very long hours and they can't make mistakes.
I'm going to be Mongolian university of Technology.I will be studing english language.I know the course isn't going to be easy, but i'm going to work I just hope I'll be a good and hardworking engineer.
Gurban bileg restaurant is lot of unit. I visited on 15th novenber.
There is a varied menu at includes a lot of country nationality food. example :Asia food ,korean food,Japan food etc Asia food includes fantastic salad, a wide choice of vegetarina dishes and three types of delicious hamburgers. It was very tasty . Gurban bileg was a bit too expensive.
The Gurban bileg staff were hardworking, friendly and polite during my visit. The service was fast and on of the cashiers gave me the wrong change. Unfortunately no they wears unforms.
The polite staff, good choir, clean tables and comfortable seating all helped to give Gurban bileg an excellent atmosphere. The new no-smoking policy is also a good idea.and it made my meal at Gurban bileg a very pleasurable experience.
Mini test #4 1b;2a;3b;4a;5c;6a;7b;8b;9b;10a; 11a;12b;13c;14a;15c;16c;17b;18a;19b;20c; 21c;22b;23a;24b;25a;26c;27a;28b;29a;30c; 31a;32b;33c;34a; 35-has been posted;36-are treated; 37-shouldn't;38-will be visited; 39-was baked;40-was stolen; 41-is made;42-have been sent out; 43-is sold by;44-letters must be written by; 45-is spoken;46-was discovered by; 47b;48f;49d;50e;51c;52a;53b;54b;55c;56e; 57e;58c;59a; 60.61-Angkor Wat is located in Cambodia,South-East Asia. 62.63-I can see wonderful sculptures on the walls that show dancers and musicians of the 12th centuries. 64.65-Angkor was destroyed by the Thais in 1431. 66.67-Angkor Wat made by Henri Mouhot who was a French explorer well known to the world in 1860. 68.69-The French people began restoring Angkor Wat from 1908. That hasn't been completed yet. 70-chapel;71-chamber;72-matches;73-strange;74-knife;75-can;76-can; 77-mustn't;78-could;79-can;80-mustn't;
The internet is doubt one of the most important inventions in history . Õ¿í òºðëºõòíèé ò¿¿õýí äýõ õàìãèéí ÷óõàë íýýëò áîë èíòýðíýò þì. It was started in 1968 by the US govemment, but at first it was used mainly by scientist. Ýíý áîë 1968 îíä Àìåðèêèéí çàñãèéí ãàçðààñ ¿¿íèéã ýõë¿¿ëñýí ãýâ÷ àíõ ãîëäóó ýðäýìòýä õýðãýëæ áàéñàí Since 1990 when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.áàéãóóëàãäñàí ¿åýñýý õîéø äýëõèéã õýðñýí ààëçíû òîð á¿òýýãäñýí,ýíý íü äýëõèéã ººð÷èëñýí áà ºäºð á¿ðèéí ºñºí íýìýãäýæ áóé õýðýãöýý
1.What exactly is the internet? ×óõàì èíòýðíýò ãýæ þó âý? The internet is a network (Several networks.In fact) of millions of computers around the world. Èýòýðíýò áîë äýëõèéí ñàÿ ñàÿ êîìüïþòýð,óòàñíû øóãàì õèéìýë äàãóóëûí êàâëûã õîîðîíä íü õîëáîäîã. Connected by phone lines, satelite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange imformation with each other.Èéìýýñ á¿õ êîìüïâòýð òîð ìýò á¿õ ìýäýýëëèéã ñîëèëöîæ ÷àäíà.
2.That's the some thing as the Web isn't it? Âåá íü á¿õ ç¿éëèéã õýëæ ÷àäàõ óó? Not quite.The internet links computers and the world wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside thes computers.Êîìüïþòýðèéí èíòýðíýò õîëáîî áà äýëõèéã õýðñýí ààëçíû òîðûí ñèñòåì íü êîìüïþòýðóóäèéí äîòîð íººöëºãäñºí ìýäýýëýëèéí ñàí
3.What is a web site and how do i visit one ? Âåá ñàéò ÿìàð áàéðøèëòàé áà áè ÿàæ çî÷ëîõ âý? A company or organisation stores it's information electronic documents on one of the internet computers, somewhere in the world.Äýëõèéí àëü íýã êîìïàíè çîõèîí áàéãóóëàëò íü ìýäýýëýëèéí íººöëºãäñºí öàõèì áàðèìò áè÷èã äýëõèéí àëü ÷ ãàçàð
This computer space-the company's web site-has an address,in the some way that every telephone has a rumber.Ýíý êîìüïâòýð íü ñàíñàð îãòîðãóéí Âåá ñàéòûí õàÿã ò¿¿íèé óòàñíû øóãàì
To visit web site you simply enter the address. ×è õàÿãààðàà âåá ñàéòàä îðîõ ýíãèéí. Your computer is connected to the web site, a document's Downloaded, and a page appers on your computer screen.×èíèé êîìüïþòýð áîë âåá ñàéòàä õîëáîãäñîí áàðèìò áè÷èã áà êîìüïþòýð äýëãýö äýýð õóóäàñ íü õàðàãäàíà.
4.How do i surf the net? ßàæ áè íýòýä î÷èõ âý? When you visit a web site looking for information some words on the page may be underlined, showing that the is more information about the subject in another document if you click on one of these words the web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousants of kilometrs away. Õýçýý íýãýí öàãò ÷è âåá ñàéòàä çî÷èîæ ìýäýýëý õàðæ çàðèì ¿ãí¿¿ä õóóäñûã íü îíöîëñîí, çàðèì ìýäýýëýëèéí áàðèìò áè÷ãèéã íü õàðæ áîëíî ýäãýýð íü ¿ãèéã õàðààä ÷èíèé êîìüþïòý𠺺𺺠àæèëæ øèíý áàðèìò áè÷èã âåá ñàéòòàé õîëáîãäîæ 100 100 km ò¿¿õýä î÷èæ áîëíî. You are surfing yhe net. Òà íàð íýòýä çî÷èë.
5.What can i use the internet for ? Áè ÿìàð íýò õýðýãëýæ áîëîõ âý? The main use of the internet is to find information for your schoolwork or job,or just to find out more about your hobbies sports or current events.Áè ìýäýýëýë îëõîä ñóðãóóëèéíõàà òóõàé äóðòàé ñïîðòûíõîî òàëààð íýòýýñ ìýäýýëýë ìýäýýëý îëîõ ¿éë ÿâö þì.
You can also you use the internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games plan your holiday by things from your favourite shop.×è ñîíèí ñýòã¿¿ë óíøèæ òîãëîîì òîãëîæ àìðàëòàà ºíãºðººæ ýä þìàñ õóäàëäàíà àâ÷ äóðòàé äýëã¿¿ðòýé çî÷èëõîä íýòèéã õýðýãëýæ áîëíî.
E mail makes it possible to send electronic messege anywhere in the world in seconds and you can use the internet to chat which people and make new friends.Ý-øóóäàí íü çàõèëãààí çàõèà èëãýýõ 2äîã÷ äýëõèéòýé òàíèëöàõ øèíý íàéç íºõºäòýé õàðèëöàõ áîëîìæòîé.
6.What do need in order to use the internet? Èíòýðíýò õýðýãëýõ íü ÿìàð àøèãòàé âý if you don't already use the internet,all ou need to get started is a computer, a modem and a phono line.Õýðýâ ÷è èíòýðíýò õýðýãýæ ÷àäàõã¿é áîë á¿õ ç¿éë ìîäåì óòàñíû øóãàì êîìüþòýðîîñ ýõýëíý
Using the interent is geting cheaper and easier all the time. Áèäíèé èíòýðíýò áîë õÿìä áà á¿ãä õÿëáàð Are you reade to surf the net ? ×è èíòíýðíýòýä çî÷èëõîä áýëíý ¿¿ There's a whole exciting internet world out there waiting for you. Èíòýðíýò áîë ìàø ñýòãýë õºäëºãñºí õ¿ëýýëò àâ÷èðíà
Posted by khandaa at 12:08 AM 0 comments Thursday, May 7, 2009 Animal
Mongolian nature is very beautiful. Beauty in the nature is seen everywhere. Nature is full of color Plants, animales, birds, flowers, mountains and forest have many beautiful colors. I found out about the dangers goroos face through a nature documentary on TV. Goroos live in eastern and southern Mongolian in Gobi. They weigh from two thousand to three thousand tonnes and can reach speed of around 50 kilometres per hour. Although it is illegal hunters kill them for their horns, which are very valuable. Now they are in danger of becoming extinct. I think that goroos should be breade in captivity until they can live safety in the wild and people must stop buying products made from goroos horn. Posted by khandaa at 11:47 PM 0 comments Environment
If i were leader of my country. I would build children caring center because urhout parents a lot of children in Ulaanbaatar. They haven't food, clothes and home. They can't studing at school. They are life is very difficult in result they future is imroving and good people . I would ban cars because they cause too much air. Air polution is common in developed countries. There are crowds of people and large industries in their big cities. The man causes of air pollution are smoke from factories, car exhaust fumes and ger district in Mongolia etc. Chemical in dustries do not use cleaning eguipment, so the city has a large number of sick and plants have stopped growing. Sometimes natural events such as dust storm forest fives or erupting volcanoes pollute the air.But most of the time people cause air pollution. Burning trash can pollute the air. Posted by khandaa at 11:25 PM 0 comments Celebration
Mongolians celabrate many holidays.They are Naadam,Tsagaan sar, independence day ,New year, and theaher,womens, childrens day etc. The Naadam of the victory of the people's Revolution, All people wear national clothes deel during Naadam. It is a ceremony that combines sport traditions arts and customs. There are 3 main competitions, horse racing wrestling and archery. Wrestling-mongolian wrestlers wear a speciale costume it consist of a hate small shorts, a vest with long sleeves and heavy boots. Wrestling has no weight classes. The title of falcon is granted for winning five rounds, after six victories is granted the title of champion. People choose the best and fastest horses and keep them on a artict diet The riders are 6-8 years old children Posted by khandaa at 10:54 PM 0 comments Labels: publish Friday, May 1, 2009 Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar is the largest city in's also home to film stars, sunny and windy weather, tall building and heavy traffic. Accommodation The hotels in Ulaanbaatar are expensive than those ih many other Mongolian citis, but they are dirty and safe. bus-stops where you can get cheap rides to the various signts Places to visit There are many interesting places you can visit, universal studios to see how they make film and Tenges.Children can visit the children's park. One of the most place. Eating out There are famous restaurants you can eat at like the sguarty centre, a place packed with selebrities or Bayangol restaurant for the most delicious Shopping You can buy cheap fashionable clotnes on Achlal. A visit there is always unforgettable.
Ulaanbaatar is a modern city with something for everyone it's quate and big but it's also fascinating. Posted by khandaa at 11:40 PM 0 comments Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Followers
Blog Archive ▼ 2009 (5) ▼ May (5) The internet; FAQS (F)requently asked questions Èí... Animal Environment Celebration Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar is the largest city in Mon... About Me khandaa View my complete profile
1b 2a 3b 4b 5c 6a 7b 8b 9c 10c
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46b 47a 48b 49a 50c 51c 52c 53a 54a
55c 56c 57 58a 59c 60b 61a 62b 63a
64b 65a 66a 67a 68b 69a 70a
2.How yo phon namber?
4.He has got tall?
5.She has got blue eges?
My self
Hello:My name is Khandsuren and i'm eighteen years old.I live in Ulaanbaatar, mongolia.I'am a teleconmunication student.My favourite sport is volleyball and
tennis.I have got long straight black hair and brown eyes.I'm well-bult.
I have small nose and yellowish complexion. I can cook very well but i can't swim.
This is my's nise and small.There is a carpet on the floor.There are books on the table.There is a lamp next to table. there are chairs in the front of windows. i like bedroom.
My family is small. There are my gramdpa and two sisters.My grandpa is Dashzebeg. He is herder.He is sixty years old. He is old. He is short and slim.He has got short and grey hair big black eyes.He has got a big nose.My sister name is Oyonsaikhan. she is twenty five years old. She is young.she is intraktive. she is tall and fat.she has got short black hair and big brown eyes. she favourite sport is volleyball.She can't speak english guite well.
my sister name is Nandia. she is twenty one years old.she has got short black hair and black eyes.
Work day
I get up at 6:30 in the morning every day. I get dressed then I have breakfast then go to school.I arrives at school about 8:30. School starts at 8:40. I have a lunch at school at 12;00 then has a few more lessons. My lessons finish at 18;00 and I go back home. I gets home at 19;30. I usually does home work in the evening.
I get up at nine o'clock in the morning every weekends.After I have a breakfast. I always wash the my clothes. I usually go to cinema. I back home in the evening.After that Y usually watch TV. Sometimes I read a book. I go to bed 10;30.
New words
3.our-ìàíàé 4.aged-íàñ
5.local hospital-îðîí íóòàã ýìíýëýã
6.primary school-äóíä ñóðãóóëüýðýìáëýõ
13.singular-ãàíö òîî
14.plural-îëîí òîî
16.uncle-íàãàö àõ
17.nephew-çýý,à÷ õ¿¿
22.appearance-ãàäíà òºðõ
23.character-çàí ààø
25.which-àëü ÿìàð,õýí íü
28.mean-óòãàòÿã îäîî
34.niece-à÷ îõèí
36.kind-ñàéõàí ñýòãýëò
38.introduction-ºìíºõ ¿ã
bie daalt 3
1a 2c 3b 4c 5a 7b 8b 9c 10b
11b 12a 12c 14b 15a 17a 18a 19c 20c
21c 22a 23c 24b 25c 26b 27c 28c 29a 30b 31b 32c 33a 35a 36b 37c 38c 39b
41.He is a cup tea at the moment.
42.I am thirsty. Is the anything to drink?
44. busy-rich
46. on-in
61a 63b 65a 67a 69b 71b 73a 75b 77c 79a
bie daalt 4
1b 2c 3b 4c 5c 6b 7c 8b 9a 10c
11a 12c 13b 14a 15a 16b 17c 18b 19c 20b 21c 22a 23b 24a 25a 26b 27a 29a 30b 31a 32b 33c 34a 35b 36c 37b 38a 39c 40c 41c 42b 43c 45b 46c 47b 48a 49c 50b 51b 52a 53b 54a 55b 56b 57c 58a 59c 60b
64.was working
65 could
67.I and Jee were good friends when iwas little
68 have-had
69 are-were
bie daalt5
1b 2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7b 8b 9a 10c
11b 12a 13b 14a 15b 16a 17a 18c 19c 20b 21c 22b 23a 24a 25c 26b 27a 28b 29c 30b 31c 32a 33c 34c 35b 36a 37c 38c 39b 40c 41b 42c 43c 44b 45b 46a 47b 48c 49b 50c 51a 52c 53b 54a 55b 56a 57b 58a 59c 60c
61 under-on
62 fog-fogy
63 at-on
64 oldest-older
65 good-well
66 painted-paint
67 the-in
68 could-
69 sugars-sugar
70 when-
71a 73c 75b 77a 79c
bie daalt6
1a 2c 3c 4b 5c 6c 7a 8c 9c 10b 11c 12c 14a 15b 16a 17b 18c 19b 20c 21a 22c 23c 24a 25a 26a 27a 28b 29a 30b 31b 32c 33b 335a 36b 37a 38c 39c 40b
41 in-of
42 saying-saye
43 must-musn't
44 as-the
45 fastly-fast
46 from-to
47 my-mine
48 do- and
49 where-wate
50 some-any
51 wonderfull-horible
52 happily-despritly
53 carelessly- carefuiiy
54 slowly-quakly
58 prond-proudly
59 singers -sing
60 easily-easy
61b 63a 65c 670a 71a 73c 75a 77b 79a
Ulaanbaatar is the largest city in's also home to film stars, sunny and windy weather, tall building and heavy traffic.
The hotels in Ulaanbaatar are expensive than those ih many other Mongolian citis, but they are dirty and safe.
bus-stops where you can get cheap rides to the various signts
Places to visit
There are many interesting places you can visit, universal studios to see how they make film and Tenges.Children can visit the children's park. One of the most place.
Eating out
There are famous restaurants you can eat at like the sguarty centre, a place packed with selebrities or Bayangol restaurant for the most delicious
You can buy cheap fashionable clotnes on Achlal. A visit there is always unforgettable.
Ulaanbaatar is a modern city with something for everyone it's quate and big but it's also fascinating.
bie daalt2
1b 2b 3c 4c 5b 6a 7b 8b 9b 10a
11a 12c 13c 14a 15b 16b 17b 18a 19a 20b 21b 22c 23b 24b 25c 26c 27b 28c 29a 30b 31b 32a 33b 34a 35b 36c 37c 38a 39b 40c 41b 42b 43b 44b 45c 46b
47c 48b 49c 50b 51b 52b 53c 54b 55a 56c 57c 58c 59a 60b 61
61 boy's-boy
62 has-is
63 who's-whose
64 hers-her
65 an
66 doesn't
67 ann's
68 is-are
69at work
70 my-mine
71b 73a 75b 77c 79a
bayrlalaa bagshaa..
Dear theacher
Mongolia is a very beautiful country with a culture, just south of Russia. centre-east asia and continental climate. Mongolian city is Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar is just north Bogd mountain.
Mongolian has a continental climate. The winter cold and snow.In spring and autumn it is windy, but rainy. In summer it is always hot vand sunny. Sometimes it very rains. Summer is my favorite season.
Mongolian people are good-looking. They are well-built witch delicate features. They have got straight black hair, brown eyes and fair complexion.the Mongolian are very friendly people. Wo are well known for being generous and happyly.Sometimes they are lazy and bossy.
Most people in Mongolian in countryside consist of ger and city consist of house.Most of the people in the city and countryside are farmmers and businessmen. The men usually does hardworking and the women does housework and business.
The food is delicous. They are eating soups, meat, milk and yoghurt but i is'nt spisy and seafood
Mongolian is guite ancient history building Kharkharum. This is mongolians ancient city.We are proud of Kharkhorum.
Dear theacher
Mongolia is a very beautiful country with a culture, just south of Russia. centre-east asia and continental climate. Mongolian city is Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar is just north Bogd mountain.
Mongolian has a continental climate. The winter cold and snow.In spring and autumn it is windy, but rainy. In summer it is always hot vand sunny. Sometimes it very rains. Summer is my favorite season.
Mongolian people are good-looking. They are well-built witch delicate features. They have got straight black hair, brown eyes and fair complexion.the Mongolian are very friendly people. Wo are well known for being generous and happyly.Sometimes they are lazy and bossy.
Most people in Mongolian in countryside consist of ger and city consist of house.Most of the people in the city and countryside are farmmers and businessmen. People in countryside raise fire kind of animals. Sheep, goats, cattles, horses and camel. They use animals for food.We are eating meat.The men usually does hardworking and the women does housework and business.
The food is delicous. They are eating soups, meat, milk and yoghurt but i is'nt spisy and seafood
Mongolian is guite ancient history building Kharkharum. This is mongolians ancient city.Mongolian are clever because it's seen from their reach cultures histories legends and mode of living. We are proud of Kharkhorum.
From Rag to Riches
Өөдсөөр баялаг бүтээсэн нь
Liza Smithe is successful British singer.Лиза бол азтай Британи дуучин Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concert for millions of fans.Тэрээр үндэсний сэтгүүл дээр инээмсэглэсэн мөрхмэй харагддаг ба жил бүр тэр өөр өөр аялаж концерт тоглон үй олон шүтэн бишрэгчтэй болсон.
However,life used to be very different for this bright young star from Liverpool.-Гялалзсан залуу од амьдрал өөр байсан. "Eight years ago," says Liza,"I lived in a small terraced house with the my parents and three brothers. -"8 жилийн өмнө, би жижигхэн байшанд эцэг эх ба 3 эрэгтэй дүүгийн хамт амьдардаг байсан.It was very cramped!- Энэ маш зай муутай байсан. We didn't have a lot of money, so I used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet.-Бидэнд маш их мөнгө олддоггүй, тиймээс би орон нутгийн эмнэлэгт цэвэрлэгч хийдэг байсан. I used to buy my clothes from second-hand shop.Би хэрэгцээнийхээ хувцасыг хуучин хувцасны дэлгүүрээс худалдан авдаг. I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate.-Би маш мяраалаг боловч шарсан төмс ба шоколад идэх дуртай байсан. In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach.-Би чөлөөт цагаараа найрал дууны коллежид дуулдаг ба далайн эргээр алхдаг байсан. I didn't use to go to clubs because they were very expensive.I used to listen to the radio a lot,though.Би клубээр явж чаддаггүй учир нь тэр маш үнэтэй иймээс радио сонсон өнгөрүүлдэг.I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties.-Би поп дуунуудын бүх үгүүдийн цээжилдэг.My friends liked my voice a lot,so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company.- Миний найзууд миний дуунд дуртай, тэд дуугаа дуу бичлэгийн компанид илгээ гэж ятгадаг. That's how it all started for me.Ингээд л миний хувьд бүх зүйл эхлэсэн. Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.-3 долоон хоногийн дараа надруу тэр компаниас дуудлага ирээд миний амьдралыг тэр бүр мөсөн өөрчилсөн.
Today, Liza lives in a large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter.-Өнөөдөр Лиза том байшин, гадна талдаа цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнтэй ба эр нөхөр жижигхэн охинтойгоо амьдарч байна. She is much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes.- Тэр маш гоолиг ба маш дэгжин хувцасладаг. She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her bode in shape.Тэр үргэлж хоолний дэглэм барьж гимнастик хийн биеийн хэлбэрээ хадгалдаг. In her free time she enjoys going to the teatre of to parties.Тэр чөлөөт цагаараа театр явдаг.
Liza's life has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool.-Тэр үеээс хойш Лизаагийн амьдрал Ливэрпүүлд байхаас өөрчлөгдөн."I think I'm very lucky to lead the life I do today.Өнөөдөр минйй амьдрал маш аз жаргалтай байна It's not easy,though, because I don't have the privacy that I used to have.-Үүнийг хийхэд хялбар байгаагүй. Still,I have a lovely family and a very promising career.Миний хайртай гэр бүл ба ирээдүйтэй мэргжил What else could I ask for?" she says. Үүнээс илүү юу хүсэх вэ
Dear teacher;
Shopping in Ulaanbaatar
Ulaanbaatar the capital of Mongolia, is a shopper's paradise, weel as thousands of delightful smaller and bigger shops.
Ulaanbaatar has antique shop, butvher's,confe3ctioner's jeweller's florist's, depertment store bigger shops.They are usually in Enebish street. Enebish
is very big street. There is usually rich people.There you can buy fashionable, clothes, shoes, and jewellery.For shopper's with big bank account there is a wide range of jewellers and designer fashion house. Mongolia department store very big history. The next to of the Sukhbaatar square is department store. It was opened in 1960-1980.As well as fruit, sweets, flowerts and clothes etc
Shops in Ulaanbaatar are usually open from eight am or nine am in the morning till about eleven pm in the evening, from Monday to Saturday. the big sales come after Ghristmas, Tsagaan sar and Naadam.
Tsagaan sar is the most important holiday in Mongolia. It is in either January or February Tsagaan sar is Mongolian's new year.
Don't miss the chance to go Shopping in Ulaanbaatar. There is always something to suit everyone's pocket and tast.
Mini test 1.
1b 2c 3a 4b 5b 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11c
12a 13c 14b 15b 16a 17a 18b 19b 20c
21a 22a 23a 24a 25b 26a 27b 28b 29c 30a 31a 32b 33c 34c 35a 36a 37b 38b 39a 40c 41c 42a 43a 44b 45a
46b 47b 48a 49b 50b 51b 52e 53b
54a 55f 56d 57c 58c 59a 60f 61d
62e 63g
64. am-do 65.rides-riding
66.she-her 67.waking-wakes
71.taller-tallest 72.eating-eats
73.most-more 74.watched-watch
75F 76F 77F 78F 79T 80F
Bill Gates
Билл Гейтс
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, one of the richest and most successful people in the world. Внлл Гейтсийг хүн бүр согссон байх тэр бол дэлхийн хамгийн баян жаргалтай хүн. Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world’s largest computer software company, and Gates was the world’s youngest billionaire at the age of 31. Тэр найзтайгаа хамт Microsoft-ийхоо бизнесийг 1975 онд эхлүүлж эгэ нь дэлхийн томоохон КПХ-ийн компани болсон ба Гейтс 31 насандаа дэлхийн залуухан тэрбуитан болсон.
His full name is William Henry Gates [1], and he was born on 28th October, 1955, in Seattle, USA. Түүний эцгийн нэр бол Виллиам Хэнри Гэйтэс ба тэр 1955 оны 10 сарын 28нд АНУ-гийн Ситтлэ-д төрсөн. At school, Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science.Сургуульдаа Билл удалгүймаш ухаалаг гэдгээ харуулж ялангуяа Математик болон Байгалийн шинжлэх ухаанд сайн байсан. His parents decided to send him to Lakeside, the private school where he first began to use computers. Тэр анх компьютер хэрэглэж эхлэсэн Лэйксайд дахь хувийн сургууль руу түүнийг эцэг эх нь явуулахаар шийдлээ. 13-year-old Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork. Билл Гэйтэс 13 настайдаа сургуулийнхаа найз Паул Аллэнтай бүх цагаа програм бичихэд зориулж хичээл хийхийн ород компьютеруудыг судладаг байсан.
After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America’s most famous university.Дараа нь 1973 онд сургуулиа төгссөний дараа Билл Америкийн хамгийн алдартай Харвардийн их сургуульд явсан. The next year, he and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers. Дараа жил нь тэр Паул Аллен нар дэлхийн анхний Алтайр програм бичсэн ба анхны microcomputer-г зохиосон. The two friends started Microsoft in1975, and Gates left Harvard. 1975 онд Гэйтэс сургуулиа орхин хоёр найз Microsoft-ийг байгуулжээ. Before long, Microsoft was a major business success. Урт хугафаанд Microsoft-н ихэнх бизнес амжилт олсон . Since then, the company has continued to grow, producing most of the world’s leading PC software. Үүнээс хойш дэлхийн персональ компьютерийн програмын ихэнхийг нь үйлдвэрлэдэг компани болон өсөн өргөжжээ. One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking. Түүний амжилтын үндэс нь Гэйтэс үргэлж хичээнгүй байж, хүсэл зорилго доо хүрэхийг эрмэлзсэн юм. This has not left him much time for a normal personal life, but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, and in 1995 he wrote a best-selling book, The Road Ahead. Энэ нь түүнд хувийн амьдралаа зохиох цаг үлдээгээгүй боловч 1994 онд тэр Microsoft-ийн ажилтан Мэлинда Фрэнчтэй гэрлэсэн ба 1995 онд тэр шилдэг борлуулалттай Туулж өнгөрүүлсэн амьдрал номоо бичжээ.
Bill has mixed feelings about spending so much time running Microsoft. “There are a lot of experiences I haven’t had, but I do like my job,” he said.Билл Microsoft-ыг цааш ажиллуулахдаа ихэнх цагаа зарцуулсан тухайгаа хэлэхдээ “Хэдий би эдгээрийг хийж бүтээсэн ч миний хийгээгүй зүйл маш олон зүйл байгаа.” When he does find time to relax, he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science.Амрахыг хүссэн үедээ тэр оюун ухаан хөгжүүлэх тоглоом, гольф болон шинжлэх ухааны тухай унших дуртай. For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family. Тэр баян хүн хэдий ч түүний амьдрал энгийн бөгөөд тэр өөртөө болон гэр бүлдээ бага цаг зарцуулдаг. When it comes to helping others, though, Gates is very generous. Гэйтэсд бусдад туслах боломж гарсан үед тэр маш өглөгч байдаг. He has already given huge amounts of money to chairity, and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires. Тэр аль хэдийн өглөг буянд мөнгөнийхөө нилээдийг зориулсан ба тэр тэтгэвэртээ гараад эд хөрөнгөө бараг бүгдийг нь бусдад хандивлахаар төлөлөвлөж байгаагаа хэлсэн юм.
mini test #2 1b;2a;3a;4c;5c;6b;7b;8c;9a;10b;
41b;42b;43c;44b;45 entrance; 46 habits; 47 calories; 48waterproof ;49outdoor; 50 abroad;
51would you; 52 i'm afraid; 53Are you; 54 could you; 55 Do you want;56;57b;58b;59b;60b;
62 stop-stopped;63 say-said; 64 start-started; 65 go-went; 66 see-saw;67-held; 68 sing-sang; 69 (be)-were;70 (he/do)-was he doing; 71 decid-decided;
Dear teacher,
My name is Khandsuren, 18 years old shcool from Ulaanbaatar
I'd like to work telecommunication engineer because I like hardworking meeting people.The things in our lives are improving with technology each day.
i't is hot an easy job thought, as engineers have to be brave, hardworking and friendly.
They often work very long hours and they can't make mistakes.
I'm going to be Mongolian university of Technology.I will be studing english language.I know the course isn't going to be easy, but i'm going to work
I just hope I'll be a good and hardworking engineer.
Mini test 3
49yet;50ever;51as soon as;52until; 53just;54when;55already;56many;
Mongolian restaurant
Gurban bileg restaurant is lot of unit. I visited on 15th novenber.
There is a varied menu at includes a lot of country nationality food.
example :Asia food ,korean food,Japan food etc
Asia food includes fantastic salad, a wide choice of vegetarina dishes and three types of delicious hamburgers. It was very tasty . Gurban bileg was a bit too expensive.
The Gurban bileg staff were hardworking, friendly and polite during my visit. The service was fast and on of the cashiers gave me the wrong change. Unfortunately no they wears unforms.
The polite staff, good choir, clean tables and comfortable seating all helped to give Gurban bileg an excellent atmosphere. The
new no-smoking policy is also a good idea.and it made my meal at Gurban bileg a very pleasurable experience.
Mini test #4
35-has been posted;36-are treated;
37-shouldn't;38-will be visited;
39-was baked;40-was stolen;
41-is made;42-have been sent out;
43-is sold by;44-letters must be written by;
45-is spoken;46-was discovered by;
60.61-Angkor Wat is located in Cambodia,South-East Asia.
62.63-I can see wonderful sculptures on the walls that show dancers and musicians of the 12th centuries.
64.65-Angkor was destroyed by the Thais in 1431.
66.67-Angkor Wat made by Henri Mouhot who was a French explorer well known to the world in 1860.
68.69-The French people began restoring Angkor Wat from 1908. That hasn't been completed yet.
The internet; FAQS (F)requently asked questions Èíòýðíýò: õàìãèéí èõ àñóóäàã àñóóëòóóä
The internet is doubt one of the most important inventions in history .
Õ¿í òºðëºõòíèé ò¿¿õýí äýõ õàìãèéí ÷óõàë íýýëò áîë èíòýðíýò þì.
It was started in 1968 by the US govemment, but at first it was used mainly by scientist.
Ýíý áîë 1968 îíä Àìåðèêèéí çàñãèéí ãàçðààñ ¿¿íèéã ýõë¿¿ëñýí ãýâ÷ àíõ ãîëäóó ýðäýìòýä õýðãýëæ áàéñàí
Since 1990 when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.áàéãóóëàãäñàí ¿åýñýý õîéø äýëõèéã õýðñýí ààëçíû òîð á¿òýýãäñýí,ýíý íü äýëõèéã ººð÷èëñýí áà ºäºð á¿ðèéí ºñºí íýìýãäýæ áóé õýðýãöýý
1.What exactly is the internet?
×óõàì èíòýðíýò ãýæ þó âý?
The internet is a network (Several networks.In fact) of millions of computers around the world.
Èýòýðíýò áîë äýëõèéí ñàÿ ñàÿ êîìüïþòýð,óòàñíû øóãàì õèéìýë äàãóóëûí êàâëûã õîîðîíä íü õîëáîäîã.
Connected by phone lines, satelite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange imformation with each other.Èéìýýñ á¿õ êîìüïâòýð òîð ìýò á¿õ ìýäýýëëèéã ñîëèëöîæ ÷àäíà.
2.That's the some thing as the Web isn't it?
Âåá íü á¿õ ç¿éëèéã õýëæ ÷àäàõ óó?
Not quite.The internet links computers and the world wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside thes computers.Êîìüïþòýðèéí èíòýðíýò õîëáîî áà äýëõèéã õýðñýí ààëçíû òîðûí ñèñòåì íü êîìüïþòýðóóäèéí äîòîð íººöëºãäñºí ìýäýýëýëèéí ñàí
3.What is a web site and how do i visit one ?
Âåá ñàéò ÿìàð áàéðøèëòàé áà áè ÿàæ çî÷ëîõ âý?
A company or organisation stores it's information electronic documents on one of the internet computers, somewhere in the world.Äýëõèéí àëü íýã êîìïàíè çîõèîí áàéãóóëàëò íü ìýäýýëýëèéí íººöëºãäñºí öàõèì áàðèìò áè÷èã äýëõèéí àëü ÷ ãàçàð
This computer space-the company's web site-has an address,in the some way that every telephone has a rumber.Ýíý êîìüïâòýð íü ñàíñàð îãòîðãóéí Âåá ñàéòûí õàÿã ò¿¿íèé óòàñíû øóãàì
To visit web site you simply enter the address.
×è õàÿãààðàà âåá ñàéòàä îðîõ ýíãèéí.
Your computer is connected to the web site, a document's Downloaded, and a page appers on your computer screen.×èíèé êîìüïþòýð áîë âåá ñàéòàä õîëáîãäñîí áàðèìò áè÷èã áà êîìüïþòýð äýëãýö äýýð õóóäàñ íü õàðàãäàíà.
4.How do i surf the net?
ßàæ áè íýòýä î÷èõ âý?
When you visit a web site looking for information some words on the page may be underlined, showing that the is more information about the subject in another document if you click on one of these words the web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousants of kilometrs away. Õýçýý íýãýí öàãò ÷è âåá ñàéòàä çî÷èîæ ìýäýýëý õàðæ çàðèì ¿ãí¿¿ä õóóäñûã íü îíöîëñîí, çàðèì ìýäýýëýëèéí áàðèìò áè÷ãèéã íü õàðæ áîëíî ýäãýýð íü ¿ãèéã õàðààä ÷èíèé êîìüþïòý𠺺𺺠àæèëæ øèíý áàðèìò áè÷èã âåá ñàéòòàé õîëáîãäîæ 100 100 km ò¿¿õýä î÷èæ áîëíî.
You are surfing yhe net.
Òà íàð íýòýä çî÷èë.
5.What can i use the internet for ?
Áè ÿìàð íýò õýðýãëýæ áîëîõ âý?
The main use of the internet is to find information for your schoolwork or job,or just to find out more about your hobbies sports or current events.Áè ìýäýýëýë îëõîä ñóðãóóëèéíõàà òóõàé äóðòàé ñïîðòûíõîî òàëààð íýòýýñ ìýäýýëýë ìýäýýëý îëîõ ¿éë ÿâö þì.
You can also you use the internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games plan your holiday by things from your favourite shop.×è ñîíèí ñýòã¿¿ë óíøèæ òîãëîîì òîãëîæ àìðàëòàà ºíãºðººæ ýä þìàñ õóäàëäàíà àâ÷ äóðòàé äýëã¿¿ðòýé çî÷èëõîä íýòèéã õýðýãëýæ áîëíî.
E mail makes it possible to send electronic messege anywhere in the world in seconds and you can use the internet to chat which people and make new friends.Ý-øóóäàí íü çàõèëãààí çàõèà èëãýýõ 2äîã÷ äýëõèéòýé òàíèëöàõ øèíý íàéç íºõºäòýé õàðèëöàõ áîëîìæòîé.
6.What do need in order to use the internet?
Èíòýðíýò õýðýãëýõ íü ÿìàð àøèãòàé âý
if you don't already use the internet,all ou need to get started is a computer, a modem and a phono line.Õýðýâ ÷è èíòýðíýò õýðýãýæ ÷àäàõã¿é áîë á¿õ ç¿éë ìîäåì óòàñíû øóãàì êîìüþòýðîîñ ýõýëíý
Using the interent is geting cheaper and easier all the time.
Áèäíèé èíòýðíýò áîë õÿìä áà á¿ãä õÿëáàð
Are you reade to surf the net ?
×è èíòíýðíýòýä çî÷èëõîä áýëíý ¿¿
There's a whole exciting internet world out there waiting for you.
Èíòýðíýò áîë ìàø ñýòãýë õºäëºãñºí õ¿ëýýëò àâ÷èðíà
Posted by khandaa at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mongolian nature is very beautiful. Beauty in the nature is seen everywhere. Nature is full of color Plants, animales, birds, flowers, mountains and forest have many beautiful colors.
I found out about the dangers goroos face through a nature documentary on TV. Goroos live in eastern and southern Mongolian in Gobi. They weigh from two thousand to three thousand tonnes and can reach speed of around 50 kilometres per hour. Although it is illegal hunters kill them for their horns, which are very valuable. Now they are in danger of becoming extinct. I think that goroos should be breade in captivity until they can live safety in the wild and people must stop buying products made from goroos horn.
Posted by khandaa at 11:47 PM 0 comments
If i were leader of my country. I would build children caring center because urhout parents a lot of children in Ulaanbaatar. They haven't food, clothes and home. They can't studing at school.
They are life is very difficult in result they future is imroving and good people .
I would ban cars because they cause too much air. Air polution is common in developed countries. There are crowds of people and large industries in their big cities. The man causes of air pollution are smoke from factories, car exhaust fumes and ger district in Mongolia etc.
Chemical in dustries do not use cleaning eguipment, so the city has a large number of sick and plants have stopped growing. Sometimes natural events such as dust storm forest fives or erupting volcanoes pollute the air.But most of the time people cause air pollution. Burning trash can pollute the air.
Posted by khandaa at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Mongolians celabrate many holidays.They are Naadam,Tsagaan sar, independence day ,New year, and theaher,womens, childrens day etc.
The Naadam of the victory of the people's Revolution, All people wear national clothes deel during Naadam. It is a ceremony that combines sport traditions arts and customs. There are 3 main competitions, horse racing wrestling and archery. Wrestling-mongolian wrestlers wear a speciale costume it consist of a hate small shorts, a vest with long sleeves and heavy boots. Wrestling has no weight classes. The title of falcon is granted for winning five rounds, after six victories is granted the title of champion.
People choose the best and fastest horses and keep them on a artict diet The riders are 6-8 years old children
Posted by khandaa at 10:54 PM 0 comments
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Friday, May 1, 2009
Ulaanbaatar is the largest city in's also home to film stars, sunny and windy weather, tall building and heavy traffic.
The hotels in Ulaanbaatar are expensive than those ih many other Mongolian citis, but they are dirty and safe.
bus-stops where you can get cheap rides to the various signts
Places to visit
There are many interesting places you can visit, universal studios to see how they make film and Tenges.Children can visit the children's park. One of the most place.
Eating out
There are famous restaurants you can eat at like the sguarty centre, a place packed with selebrities or Bayangol restaurant for the most delicious
You can buy cheap fashionable clotnes on Achlal. A visit there is always unforgettable.
Ulaanbaatar is a modern city with something for everyone it's quate and big but it's also fascinating.
Posted by khandaa at 11:40 PM 0 comments
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