Thursday, December 31, 2009
Шинэ оны, шинэ улирлын мэнд хүргэе!
- 128дугаар өрөөнд Даваа гаригийн 2р паар дээр S.EL210-ын 1 паар орно. Нөгөө 2 паар нь ангидаа Лхагв гаригийн 5, 6р паар дээр орно.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Bayasgalan's essay
If we do not want to face mass starvation on a scale never before seen or have a war that will be in every sense the third world war, we have to stop the population from growing the way it is. Madly. Uncontrolled and in all the wrong places. The only fair way is two's your lot. A universal limit of two children per woman, or two children per person if you prefer. It must be universal, no exceptions, especially on religious grounds. It is the Muslim and Catholic communities who are the most dangerous because they believe they have a duty to breed.
To make things fair universality is necessary but not sufficient. We must also address why the third world people think they need more children when they are surrounded by underfed and dying children. We must recognize that their decisions are rational, we must change the reality. Children are social security and pensions. We must replace that with real social security. To say the least this will be expensive, compared to the alternative though it is the bargain of all timeUniversal pensions for all mankind in exchange for a united approach to the future. No more efforts to out breed your enemies. A universal limit of two children per person. It is not going to be easy, there will be people claiming the right to be an exception and I do sympathize. Children bring a couple together in a special way, they can cement a second marriage and large families of children are delightful. But no exceptions can be allowed or the whole policy will break down.
Saving a starving child today means having more children in thirty years time trying to live off the same or eroded resources. Saying that makes me seem like a heartless bastard. In many public meetings if I said that from the platform I would be shouted down, and maybe beaten up too. But I am not wrong, call me whatever you want, I am telling it like it is. There is a classic charity tag line that goes something like give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you help feed him for a lifetime. This is incredibly patronizing, as if starving people are surrounded by food they are too stupid to catch. The reality is that if you teach that man how to fish in two generations time there will be a lot more starving people in that same village and no fish. That is human nature. Man will breed and eat all the food available.
.Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Azbayar's essay
Can you imagine what our lives in the year? Perhaps you will be living in the flying house or may be you` will be eating ready-made as robots.
By the year 2050 relation ship will have developed because computer will have become mobile. Furthermore some people will have lived in the mars so will have connected easily to mars on the other hand, maybe this technology will have negative effects for humans.
By the year 2050 education will have changed because will be using computer as more and more Robots will be teaching student. However people will be lazy because robots will be doing work.
By the year 2050 branch or communication will have become or top level because word will have become as country due to communication. On the other hand communication will be dangerous it will have had many users. You could do more things in order to undengerous the communication.
By the year 2050 will be living in a flying house. Because technology will have developed very well. However there will not populated places and there will have appeared messy situation. Although we will not worry about pollution and we will be using in comfortable houses. You should have ware fire in your in your house.
By the year 2050 there will be decreased traffic jam in cities because the will have become flying cars. Furthermore space exploration will become increasingly popular as fifty present of people will have traveled to mars. However all camp won’t have opened since people will have traveled to space. Why don’t you travel to mars and explore new space.
By the year 2050 we will be eating ready-made as robots will be doing cooking masterly in addition we will eating high quality food because production quality foods will nave increased. However health of people will get worse than nowadays because will have to add calorie to for foods.
In the future, environment will be more convenient than today to live because scientists will have invented new techniques due to nano technologies. Furthermore, people will enjoy environment as it will have become nice to live. On the other hand all things will get virtual from now since computers will have been doing all things inside of us. The best thing you can do is to use the new techniques.
By the year 2050 doctors will have determined methods to cure new diseases because scientists will be using new technology. Moreover we will be healthy.
Some people worry about the future, while others are full of hope and enthusiasm. I hope the things which I mentioned above will come true by 2050. Have ever think about that?
Problems in Mongolia
The rainforests are dying, rare plant and animal species are disappearing, rivers and earths are being contaminated, the air is being polluted. It’s time we woke up to these problems and started repairing the damage.
One of the major problem is the destruction of the rainforest in Mongolia. The rainforests clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. The trees cut down for people in order to build fire or to make wooden house. Some people are set fire purposely or accidentally. As a result, animals and plants lose their homes, animals may even become extinct, people have less oxygen to breath. If we continue to burn and cut down the rainforests as we are doing now, the earth will never be the same again.
Another big problems are water and street pollution. Do you like swimming in the river or drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day? Some companies, factories and some people have been polluting our rivers to dig gold illegally. As a consequently people suffer from stomach fish are killed and rivers are contaminated.
There aren’t enough bins in the streets. As a result streets are dirty people catch diseases. People should get involved in recycling schemes so that there will be less rubbish to pollute the environment.
Another big problem is air pollution as factories, cars and ger districts pollute the air there fore it cause serious problems, trees and plants are damaged. More and more people than ever before have developed allergies and breathing problems. If we don’t do something now, our cities will become impossible to live in.
Fortunately, we have the time, the money and even the technology to prepare the way for a better, cleaner and safer future. We can plant trees and adopt animals. We can save our planet of Mongolia. We need to do is open our eyes.
Friday, November 27, 2009
* General Guidelines
* True/False
* Multiple-Choice
* Matching
* Sentence Completion or Fill in the Blank
* Essay Questions
General Guidelines
1. Gathering knowledge of the truth is the best preparation for tests.
* Concentrated hours of effective study to force facts into your memory is the best way to prepare for any test.
* However, teachers often try to test your memory of the material by slightly altering it. In this case, practice and some test-taking skill will help.
2. Always arrive early and take a moment to relax and reduce your anxiety.
* This brief time period will boost your confidence
* Use this time to focus your mind and think positive thoughts.
3. Listen attentively to last minute instructions given by the instructor.
* Teachers often make last minute changes.
* Missing instruction causes extreme anxiety.
4. Read the test directions very carefully and watch for details.
* You may find that more than one answer may be possible on multiple choice.
* A key detail may require only three out of the five essay questions.
5. Plan how you will use the allotted time.
* Estimate how many minutes you will need to finish each test section.
* Determine a pace which will ensure completing the whole test on time.
* Start with the easiest section to build your confidence.
6. Maintain a positive attitude.
* Don't let more difficult questions raise your anxiety and steal your valuable time. Move on and find success with other questions.
* If you are not penalized for wrong answers, guess and move on.
* Avoid watching for patterns. Noticing that the last four answers are "c" is not a good reason to stop, go back, and break concentration.
7. Rely on your first impressions.
* The answer which comes to mind first is often correct.
* Nervously reviewing questions and changing answers can do more harm than good.
8. Plan to finish early and have time for review.
* Return to difficult questions you marked for review.
* Proofread your essays and pay attention to grammar and spelling.
* Make sure you answered all questions. More than one student has failed to notice questions on the back side of the paper.
9. Consider every test a practice session - analyze your performance.
* Test taking is an art which needs refinement. One can not refine the art without practice and serious evaluation.
* Go through each test thoroughly and see if your plan worked.
* Look at each section to identify your fault patterns. Do you need to work on true/false, multiple choice, or essay?
* Talk to teachers regarding low scores, especially on essays.
Guidelines for Answering True/false Questions
1. When you do not know the answer. Mark it true!
* There are generally more true questions on true-false exams than false questions.
* Instructors find it difficult to make a false statement look true.
* Specific detail in the statement may also tend to make it true. For example, the statement "Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs in one season" has specific detail and is more likely to be true.
2. Look for any factor that will make a statement false.
* It is easy for the instructor to add a false part to an otherwise true statement.
* Students often read the question and see some truth and quickly assume that the entire statement is true. For example, "Water boils at 212 degrees in Denver." Water does boil at 212 degrees, but not at Denver.s altitude.
3. Look for extreme modifiers that tend to make the question false. Extreme modifiers, such as always, all, never, or only make it more likely that the question is false. Here is a more complete list of EXTREME modifiers.
all none best absolutely
always never worst absolutely not
only nobody everybody certainly
invariably no one everyone certainly not
4. Qualifying words tend to make a question true. Qualifiers (seldom, often, many) increase the likelihood that the statement is true. Here is a more complete list of QUALIFIERS.
usually frequently often sometimes
some seldom many much
probably a majority apt to most
might a few may unlikely
5. Negative words or prefixes complicate the statement.
* The prefixes (un-, im-, miss-) will alter the meaning of the statement.
* Double negatives make a positive. For example "not uncommon" actually means common.
6. Questions that state a reason tend to be false.
* Words in the statement that cause justification or reason (since, because, when, if) tend to make the statement false.
* Pay close attention, the reason that is given may be incorrect or incomplete.
7. Questions that state a reason tend to be false.
* Words in the statement that cause justification or reason (since, because, when, if) tend to make the statement false.
* Pay close attention, the reason that is given may be incorrect or incomplete.
8. There is no substitute for the truth.
* Many concentrated hours of study to force facts into your memory is the best way to prepare true-false questions.
* Teachers, however, often try to test your memory of the material by slightly altering it
Guidelines for Answering Multiple-choice Questions
1. Formulate your own answer before reading the options.
* Focus on finding an answer without the help of the alternatives.
* This process will increase your concentration.
* Doing this will help you exercise your memory.
2. Eliminate unlikely answers first.
* Eliminating two alternatives quickly may increase your probability to 50/50 or better.
* Use the true-false methods described earlier and find the false alternative.
3. Select numbered answers from the middle range, not the extremes.
* For example, if the height of a mountain is requested, eliminate 20,000 feet (high), and 3,000 feet (low). Then choose between 8,000 feet and 11,000 feet.
4. Select answers that are longer and more descriptive.
* Longer (true) answers stand out and contain more detail.
* Shorter (false) answers are created quickly as throw aways.
* Descriptive detail is given to help you identify the truth.
5. Similar answers give you a clue! One of them is correct, the other is disguised.
6. Watch out for "NOT TRUE?"
* Remember to reverse your procedure and eliminate truth.
* Use the true-false methods described earlier and find the false alternative.
Guidelines for Answering Matching Questions
1. Examine both lists to determine the types of items and their relationships.
* Remember the test maker may be testing to see if you have mastered terms.
* Look completely through both lists to become familiar, build your confidence, and enhance your memory of key words or phrases.
2. Use one list as a starting point and go through the second list to find a match.
* This process organizes your thinking and promotes memory.
* As you become familiar with the second list, you will be able to go straight to a match that you saw when looking through the lists a previous time.
3. Move through the entire list before selecting a match because a more correct answer may follow.
4. Cross off items on the second list when your are certain that you have a match.
5. Do not guess until all absolute matches have been made because you will likely eliminate an answer that could be used for a later choice.
Click here for a practice test on matching questions.
Guidelines for Answering Sentence Completion or Fill-in-the-blank Questions
1. Concentrate on the number of blanks in the sentence and the length of the space. The test maker is giving you clues to the answer by adding spaces and making them longer.
2. Provide a descriptive answer when you can not think of the exact word or words. The instructor will often reward your effort with partial credit.
Guidelines for Essay Questions
1. Organize your thoughts before you begin to write.
* A short outline on a separate piece of paper will improve your answer.
* Write the topics and the key introductory words.
2. Paraphrase the original question to form your introductory statement.
* This process helps you get the question straight in your mind.
* Restating the question allows the teacher to see how you understood the question. Perhaps you understood it to mean something other than the teacher intended.
3. Use the principles of English composition
* Form a clear thesis statement (statement of purpose) and place it as near to the beginning as possible.
* Provide clear explanations to back up the main concept.
* Remember, a complete answer usually has a main idea , supporting details and illustrative examples.
4. Write clearly! Teachers need to be able to read it.
* Making teachers work hard to read lowers your grade.
* Write or print clearly, using a dark-colored erasable ball point pen.
* Avoid crossing out words or sentences, and don't smudge your paper.
* Remember to save some space for a brief but adequate summary.
5. Use lists or bullets wherever possible.
* Numbers or bullets allow the teachers to easily see your points.
* Never bury your lists or key points in the middle of a paragraph.
* If you must use a long paragraph, underline your key points.
6. Identify the verbs or words in the question that give you direction.
* Key words in each question describe the task you are expected to complete.
* Circle the direction words in the question to make sure that you are focusing on the desired task.
* Sample direction verbs or adjectives, and their generally intended action or task, are listed below.
Direction verbs that ask you to review an idea or concept in your own words:summarize, survey, discuss, explain
Direction verbs that ask for a set of items or ideas that were presented in lecture or reading. These action words generally require more precise wording of items by giving numbers or steps: trace, outline, list, diagram, solve
Directions verbs that ask you to speak in favor of a concept or give the reasons why it should be accepted as valid: defend, argue, debate, contend, justify
Directions verbs that ask for a specific meaning or picture of a concept:
define, clarify, describe, depict, illustrate
Directions verbs that ask you to show differences in several ideas or situations: contrast, compare, distinguish, differentiate,
Direction adjectives that ask for specific information the instructor considers important: significant, critical, key, important, major, principal, essential, vital
* General test preparation ◄
* Anticipating test content
* Review tools for tests
* Overcoming test anxiety
* Organizing for test taking
* Cramming
* Emergency test preparation
* Ten tips for test taking
* Preparing for online tests
To do well on tests you must first learn the material, and then review it before the test.
These are techniques to better understand your material:
* Take good notes in your class lectures and textbooks
* Review your notes soon after class/lecture
* Review notes briefly before the next class
* Schedule some time at the end of the week for a longer review
* Take good notes about as your teacher tells you what will be on the test
* Organize your notes, texts, and assignments according to what will be on the test
* Estimate the hours you'll need to review materials
* Draw up a schedule that blocks units of time and material
* Test yourself on the material
* Finish your studying the day before the exam
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Unit 1-22
1. Unit 1-14
1. Тэд ажлаа маш их анхааралтай бодож хийдэг болгоомжтой хүмүүс. (who)
2. Тэр зан чанар нь олон талтай ээдрээтэй хүн. (whose)
3. Тэр аялалд дуртай хэдий ч өглөө эрт нислэгт дургүй. (although / ing)
4. Миний найз нимгэн дээд уруул, зузаан доод уруултай. Энэ нь тэр эрч хүчтэй идэвхтэй хүн гэсэн үг.
(have, mean)
5. Би амьдралдаа хэзээ ч ийм таатай амралттай байгаагүй. (such)
6. Тэр Испани руу явснаас хойш хэр удсан бэ? (since)
7. Би өдрүүдээ хурц наран дор далайд сэлж, долгиолох давалгаатай тоглож өнгөрүүлсэн. (ing)
8. Миний сонссон ганцхан чимээ шарчигнаж байгаа навч, жиргэж байгаа шувууд байсан. (ing)
9. Тэр зэрэг авахаасаа өмнө 21 жилийн турш суралцсаар байсан. (P.P.C)
10. Тэр Жеймсийг ирэхээс өмнө явчихсан байсан. (Pa.P)
11. Хэрэв та бага мөнгөөр амьдарч чадвал хагас-цагийн ажилд өргөдөл өгөх хэрэгтэй. (should)
12. Миний хүүхдүүд зусланд явах үед би дэлгүүрээр явах гэж байна.(going to)
13. Би нисэх буудал хүрэх үедээ чам руу утасдая. (F.S)
14. Таны хийж чадах хамгийн сайн зүйл бол англи хэл сурч эхлэх явдал. (advise)
15. Профессор Египет ялагдана гэж хэлсэн.(report)
16. Тэр надад тэр гэрийн даалгавраа дөнгөж сая хийгээд дуусчихсан гэж хэлсэн.(P.P.C)
17. 20 жилийн дараах цагт боловсрол солигдчихсон байх болно.(F.P)
18. “Чи надад даалгаварт туслах уу?” гэж Сью надаас асуусан. (rep )
19. Хотын төвд машингүй болно. (F.S)
20. 2050 онд би нөгөө л байшиндаа амьдарсаар байх болно. (F.S)
21. Патрик хадан дээр тоглох хэрэггүй байсан юм. (should)
22. Нойтон гараар залгууранд бүү хүр гэж тэр түүнд хэлсэн.(rep)
23. Телефон хэнээр бүтээгдсэн бэ? (passive)
24. Уулын орой дэлбэрэлтээр шидэгдсэн. (passive)
25. Ойр хавьд амьдардаг хүмүүс гэрээ орхиж нүүлгэгдсэн. (passive)
2. Unit 15-22
1. Working on a fishing boat is exciting, however mending the nets is tiring.
2. I wish I hadn’t failed my exams.
3. If she were quailified,she would find a good job.
4. You need to be fit and you must also have a good sense of balance to go windsurfing.
5. Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
6. Dolphins are so intelligent that they can communicate with people .
7. This ocean is not warm enough for tropical fish to survive in.
8. We should plant more trees so that we will have more oxygen.
9. The Sea Turtle is in danger of extinction due to destruction of habitat.
10. The service at Paul’s is better than the service at Ed’s.
11. He must have eaten all the pizza because there isn’t any left.
12. There are amazing space battles and gigantic,fighting robots with laser weapons.
13. I would rather write an essay than learn vocabulary.
14. The places,he thought he had visited,were all places whose history he had studied.
15. She has her car serviced by a mechanic.
1. Unit 1-14
1. Тэр хариуцлагатай. Гэхдээ үе үе өөрийгөө бодох хандлагатай. (however)
2. Тэр байгальд ойр үед тэр хамгийн их амардагаа мэдэрдэг гэж тэр хэлдэг. (most)
3. Тэр ажиллаагүй үедээ дандаа энгийн хувцас өмсдөг. (PrS.PrC)
4. Тэр сургууль нь Баян зүрх дүүрэгт байдаг оюутан. (whose)
5. Өнгөрсөн зунаас хойш би Испанид байгаагүй.(Pr.P)
6. Тэр өглөөнөөс эхлэн машин зассаар байна. (Pr.P.C)
7. Багшийг тайлбарлаж байх үеэр оюутан бичиж байсан. (PS.PC)
8. Оюутан бичингээ багшийг сонсож байсан.(P.C)
9. Тэд төгссөн их сургуулиасаа гэр рүүгээ алхаж байсан.(PS, PPC)
10. Намайг гэртээ очих тэр цагт дүү маань гэрийн даалгавраа дуусчихсан байсан.(Pa.P)
11. Хэрэв би чи байсан бол англи хэл сурахаас айхгүй байсан..(advise)
12. Би амрах үедээ далайд сэлэх гэж байна.(going to)
13. Би ерөнхийлөгч болбол илүү олон эмнэлэг барина. (if)
14. Би чөлөөт цагтай болох хүртлээ дэлгүүрээр явахгүй. (until)
15. Ойр хавьд зогссоор байсан хамгаалагчид ирээд түүнийг барьж авсан.(P.P.C)
16. Антони профессороос яагаад ийм гамшиг Египетэд ирнэ гэж тэр бодсоныг асуусан. (rep)
17. “Найз чинь чамайг хүлээж байна ” гэж Анн Франкад хэлсэн. (rep)
18. Ирээдүйд хүмүүс Марсад тогтмол зочлох болно.(F.S)
19. 2050 он гэхэд роботууд гэрийн ажил хийсээр байх болно.(F.C)
20. Бид саяхан 1000 хүнээс судалгаа авсан.(P.S)
21. Тэр хэн нэгэн хүнд хэлэх хэрэгтэй байсан юм.(should)
22. Химийн бодисоос хол бай гэж би түүнд хэлсэн.(rep)
23. Радиум хэнээр нээгдсэн бэ?(passive)
24. Хэд хэдэн хүн түймрийн халуунаас болж шархадсан. (passive)
25. Уул 2 газар хөдлөлтөөр доргисон. (passive)
2. Unit 15-22
1. Although I like performing in front of audiences, I can’t stand travelling all time.
2. I wish I hadn’t missed an important meeting .
3. If you stopped smoking,you would be in better health.
4. I think that the best hobby for James would be rafting because you have to be fit and cooperative.
5. Don’t talk to any strangers,will you?
6. A kangaroo has such strong legs that it can jump over a car.
7. It is such a deep river that the man can’t cross it.
8. We should ban cars from city centres to make streets cleaner.
9. The Emperor Penguin is in danger of extinction because of increased fishing.
10. The service at Ed’s restaurant is not as good as at Paul’s.
11. They can’t have enjoyed the play because they left before the end.
12. George Lucas was very interested in creating a modern myth.
13. I prefer travelling by car to travelling by bus.
14. His house had been destroyed in the fire so James never found out exactly how he had travelled through time.
15. She has her shopping delivered by the supermarket.
Units 5 – 8 (Conjunction)
2. Жүүн зам дагаад алхаж байх үеэрээ гэнэтхэн түүнийг хүн дагаж байгааг мэдсэн. (as)
3. Америкаар жуулчилж байх үеэрээ Тим 1972 онд Элвисийг концертонд харсан.
4. Александр Флеминг Лондод Ариун Мэригийн эмнэлэгт ажиллаж байх үеэрээ пенициллинийг санамсаргүй нээсэн.
5. Түүн рүү буу чиглүүлсэн хүнийг харах үедээ нүд нь аймшгаар дүүрч томоор харсан.
6. Лоренс унаад, шагайгаа гэмтээх үедээ ажил руугаа гүйж байсан.
7. Би мах иддэг байсан, гэвч би одоо цагаан хоолтон.
8. Би Жеймстэй удаан уулзаагүй, харин өчигдөр түүнийг Итали явсан, дараагийн 7 хоногт эргэж ирнэ гэж сонслоо.
9. Та эргэж ирснээс хойш хэр удаж байна?
10. Би галт тэргэнд суунгуут намайг ширтэж байгаа хүнийг ажигласан.
11. Жонни зам хөндлөн гарахдаа ээжийнхээ гараас хөтөлсөн.
12. Лора түүний гэрт ирэхэд Жули явчихсан байсан. (яг тэр цагт – by the time )
13. Даргыгаа эргэж ирэхээс өмнө Кари ажлаа дуусчихсан.
14. Түүний ажил хэвлэгдэхээс өмнө Марк жилийн турш бичсээр байсан.
15. Том сургуулиас эргэж ирснээс хойш утасны дуудлага хүлээсээр байсан.
16. Та номын санд хашгирах ёсгүй.
17. Кэйт чамайг машиндаа аваад явж чадах учир чи үдэшлэг рүү машин жолоодох шаардлагагүй.
18. Би буудал руу Неленээс илүү ойрхон амьдардаг.
19. Нелен буудал руу над шиг ойр амьдардаггүй.
20. Энд машин тавих хориотой.
21. Гудамжинд байгаа хогний хэмжээнд бид цочирдсон.
22. Мэри телевиз үзэж байх үеэр Тим юм индүүдэж байсан.
23. Тэр кино дууссаны дараа орондоо орсон.
24. Ээж хоол хийж байх үеэр Жули байшин цэвэрлэж байсан.
25. Терри надад дуртай үедээ тэднийд зочилж болохыг хэлсэн.
26. Тэр гэрэл зураг руу итгэлгүйгээр ширтсэн.
27. Верта бороо орж эхлэх үед 3 цагийн турш машинаа жолоодсоор байсан.
28. Кино эхлэх цагт хүүхдүүд гэрийн даалгавраа аль хэдийн дууссан байсан.
29. Мр.Фрэнкс нохой нь бүтэн шөнийн турш хуцсаар байгаа тул хөршүүддээ гомдол мэдүүлсэн.
30. Түүний камер эвдэрчихсэн учир Фил ямар ч зураг авч чадаагүй.
31. Харанхуй тэнгэр рүү харж байх үеэрээ Эдвард гэрээ ингэж хурдан яарч орхидоггүй байж гэж хүсч эхэлсэн.
32. Хүүхэд байхаасаа эхлээд Тим хийл тоглосоор байна.
33. Намайг зах хүрэх цагт бүх шинэ ногоо зарагдчихсан байсан.
34. Такси ирэхээс өмнө тэр чемодануудаа савлачихсан байсан.
35. Та ер нь шүхрээр харайж үзсэн үү?
36. Биднийг бага байхад манай ээж бидэнд түүх ярьж өгдөг байсан.
37. Диана ферм дээр амьдардаг байсан, одоо тэр хотод амьдардаг.
38. Тэр банкинд ажилладаг байсан, харин одоо тэр өөрийн бизнестэй.
39. 10р асуултны хариултын талаар таны буруу гэж би айж байна, иймээс та 5 оноо алдаж байна. ( Pr.S)
40. Таныг манай хотод дахин зочлох үед таныг харна гэж би хүлээж байя.
41. Шейла маргааш сорил өгөх учир идэвхтэй хичээллэж байна.
42. Би зураг зурах ба гитар тоглох гэх мэт бүтээлч зүйлсийг хийж цагаа өнгөрөөх дуртай.
43. Мэдээ дуусмагц бид гадагш гарна.
44. Онгоц газардангуут би танд утасдая.
45. Такси энд ирмэгц бид явж болно.
46. Сара ажлаасаа гарах тэр цагт жүжгэнд явах хэтэрхий оройтсон байсан.
47. Би урд нь коала баавгай харж байгаагүй.
48. Миний аав түүний захад ажиллаж байгаа 20 ажилтантай.
49. Тэр бидний зөвлөгөөг зөвшөөрнө гэж би хүлээж байна.
50. Хангалттай мөнгөтэй болтлоо тэр СД-тоглуулагч худалдаж авахгүй.
51. Хэрэв тэр шалгалтаа давбал тэр их сургуульд сурна.
52. Тэд урилга илгээхээсээ өмнө хугацааг хянах болно.
53. Хоол бэлтгэснийхээ дараа би салхинд явна.
54. Хэрэв та юу хийхээ мэдэхгүй бол би танд туслахдаа таатай байх болно.
55. Би захиаг шивэх үедээ танд хуулбар хийнэ.
56. Би Мэритэй маргааш уулзах үедээ түүнд таны захиаг өгнө.
57. Мексико сити-д та хэр удаан байхаар төлөвлөж байна вэ?
58. Жолооны шалгалтанд тэнцэх хүртлээ та машин жолоодож чадахгүй.
59. Хоцорсон тухай түүний хийсэн уучлал хүсэлт итгэмээр гэж би бодохгүй байна.
60. Яагаад гэртээ нэмэлт хичээл өгч болохгүй гэж.
61. Амралтын өдрүүдээр экскурсэд явбал ямар вэ.
62. Петер надад мөнгө зээлдсэн, ингэснээр би билетээ төлж чадсан.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Видео хийхдээ анхаар
- Сонголт нь Video for local playback .
- Хэмжээ DVDны хэмжээ болох 760x570тай ойролцоо дүрслэл сайн байх.
- Нэг киноны хэмжээ 100Mb- ээс дээшгүй байх.
- Эсвэл конвертлоод mp4, wmv болгож хувиргаж авчрах.
- Windows media player 10-аас дээш болон, K-Lite codec pack-ийн Media player Classic-аар бүрэн гацалтгүй гардаг болгож авчрах
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Linking words : орчуулаад цээжил
Transitional expressions can be used to connect ideas between sentences or paragraphs.
Different categories or transition words and phrases are presented below.
Words in the same categories are not always interchangeable.
* You can use the following words as signals that additional information will follow
additionally, also , and , and then , as well, as well as , besides, besides that , equally important
finally, first, second, third, etc. following this further , further , furthermore , in addition,
indeed, in fact, last, lastly, likewise, moreover, not only …,but also… not to mention , or,
then, too, too, what is more
* You can use the following words as signals that specific examples will be given:
especially, for example, an example, for instance, in this case, in another case
in this situation, including, namely, notably, on this occasion, particularly, in particular
specifically, take the case of , to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration,
* You can use the following words as signals to clarify information that has been presented:
I mean, in other words, in this case, that is to say, to put it another way, under certain circumstances, up to a point,
* You can use the following words as signals to emphasize information that has been presented or will presented :
above all, absolutely, always, as a matter of fact, besides, certainly, definitely,
emphatically, even more, extremely, forever, in any case, in any event, indeed
in fact, more importantly, naturally, never, obviously, surprisingly, that is, undeniably,
undoubtedly, unquestionably, without a doubt, without reservation,
* You can use the following words as signals that a cause-and-effect relationship will be presented :
accordingly, as, as a result, because, because of, being that, consequently, as a consequence,
due to (the fact that ), owing to (the fact that ), seeing that, since, so, so much (so) that, for
for the simple reason that, for this reason, hence, in as much as, in that,
in view of (the fact that), so that, therefore, thus
* You can use the following words as signals that the information already presented will be compared or contrasted with new information:
after all, although, although this is true, at the same time, balanced against, but,
compared to/with, in comparison, by comparison, conversely, for all that,
however, in contrast, in the same manner/ way, likewise, meanwhile,
nevertheless, nonetheless, none with standing, on the contrary, on the other hand,
similarly, still, when in fact, where, where as, while this is true, yet, yet
* You can use the following words as signals of a time relationship:
after, after a while, afterwards, as soon as, at first, at last, at the same time, before, before long, before this, currently, during, eventually , finally , first of all, first, second, third, etc.
formerly, immediately, immediately before, immediately following,
in the end, initially , in the first place, in the future, in the meantime,
last, last but not least, lastly, later, meanwhile, next, previously, simultaneously,
soon, soon after, subsequently, then, and then, thereafter,
* You can use the following words as signs for introducing disagreement or conflict:
- Making a concession or compromise about a point:
admittedly, albeit, although, at least, be that as it may, but even so, even though,
given that, granted that, granting that, however, I admit that, In any event,
In either event, In the event that, naturally, nevertheless,
nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, though, yet
- Dismissing a previous statement or argument:
All the same, besides, either way, even if, in any case, in any event, in either case,
in either event, in the event that, it may appear that, rather, regardless,
whatever happens, whichever,
- Pointing out a contradiction:
but, by way of contrast, conversely, despite, however, in contrast, in spite of,
instead, when in fact, whereas,
- Indicating reservations:
indeed, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, regardless,
- Indicting digession to a previous point or resuming after a digression or interruption:
anyway, as I was saying, at any rate, by the way, incidentally, to change the topic,
to get back to the point, to return to the subject,
- Pointing out conditions:
although, as/so long as, if, on (the) condition (that), only if, provided that,
providing that, unless,
* You can use the following words as signals that a summary or conclusion will be presented:
accordingly, all in all, all together, as a result, as I have said, as I started,
as I have shown, as indicated above/earlier, as mentioned, as I mentioned,
as noted earlier, as has been noted, as I have noted, briefly, in brief, to put it briefly,
by and large, consequently, finally, given these facts, hence, in conclusion, to conclude,
in short, on the whole, overall, since, so, summing up, in summary, to summarize,
then, therefore, thus,
Юникодоор бичнэ үү
Unicode 2оор бичихдээ ctrl+shift эсвэл alt+shift дарж сольдог.
Байхгүй бол CONTROL PANEL-> REGIONAL AND LANGUAGES -> Mongolian гэдгийг сонго.
Танигдахгүй байгаа бичлэгээ энэ хаяг pуу орж хөрвүүл.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Ways to remember vocabulary
Thursday, September 3, 2009
1st essay: Unit 1-2, 2nd essay: Unit 3-4
My vacation
1. Introduction:places, time, duration;
2.Visited places
2.1. Ulaanbaatar
2.1.1. where you stayed
2.1.2. weather
2.1.3. sightseeing
2.1.4. events
2.1.5. food
2.2. Khubsugul lake
where you stayed, weather, sightseeing, events, food;
2.3. Gobi desert
2.4. Hometown
3. Conclusion
feeling, suggestion
1. Introduction
- name, where from, place you live, family;
2. Main parts:
- Physical appearance: age, height, build, face, eyes, hair, mouth, nose;
Clothes: preferences - casual, formal;
- Character, friends;
- Favourite activities on free time, likes / dislikes; hobbies/interests, food;
- Views on life - beliefs;
3. Conclusion
- final comments;
70 points:
1. semitests 6 x 4 = 24
2. workbook 6 x 2 = 12
3. essay 4 x 2 = 8
4. presentation 3 x 2 = 6
5. test 2 x 10 = 20
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Verb tenses
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Basic Tenses: Irregular Verb | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This page shows the basic tenses with the irregular verb sing. It includes the affirmative or positive form (+), the negative form (-) and the interrogative or question form (?). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The basic structure is: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These are the forms of the main verb that we use to construct the tenses: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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How to learn vocabulary
Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.
Which words to learn
Every day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. Here are some suggestions:
- learn the words that are important to the subjects you are studying
- learn the words that you read or hear again and again
- learn the words that you know you will often want to use yourself
- do not learn words that are rare or not useful (your teacher can help you with this)
How to learn words
Once you have chosen which words to learn, you next have to decide how you are going to learn them. Here are a few ideas:
- write the words in a notebook (with their translations or definitions)
- write the words and definitions on small cards
(advice on how to do this) - say the words many times (if you have an electronic dictionary you can hear how the word is pronounced)
- put the words into different groups (you could use a graphic organiser)
- write them in a file for use with a computer program
- make associations (in pictures or with other words)
- ask someone to test you
- use the words in your own speaking or writing
Some students put a tick or cross in their dictionary next to every word they look up. The next time they turn to a page with a marked word, they quickly check to see if they remember the meaning of that word.
In all of the above ways, you are doing something with the words. It’s usually not enough to just read through a list of words with their definitions or translations and try to remember them. Most students find that they memorise words better if they do something with them. Even better is to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words. Learning that to apologize means to say sorry is a good start, but it's much better to learn a whole expression containing the word, e.g. He apologized for being late. Not only is this often easier to remember, but you are also learning some very important information on how the word is used.
Learning vocabulary by reading
The way you learned very many of the words in your own language was by meeting them in the books and magazines you read. The context of a new word in a sentence or story was often enough for you to guess the meaning. Meeting the word again and again in your reading helped you learn it for use in your own speaking and writing. Doing lots of extra reading for pleasure - both fiction and non-fiction - is an excellent way to learn new English words, too. But choose books that you find quite easy to read. Difficult stories or texts that you struggle to understand will not help you to develop your vocabulary the natural way. But remember: to learn new words from reading you have to read A LOT!
More on the importance of reading.
More information about learning words
The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use (or cannot remember) in your own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary.
The more you work on learning a word, as suggested above, the more likely it is that it will become part of your active vocabulary.
Things to know about the words you learn
Usually the first things you learn about a new English word are what it means and its translation in your own language. But there are other things you need to find out before you can say that you know a word like a native speaker does. For example, you have to learn:
- how it is spelled
- how it is pronounced
- how it is inflected (i.e. how it changes if it is a verb, noun or adjective)
- other grammar information about it
- how it collocates (i.e. what other words are often used with it)
More on collocation - if it has a particular style or register
Native speakers learn these things about words by hearing them and reading them again and again. This is the best way for you to learn them, too.
Answer the questions. /Ойр зуур ярихад хэрэг болох асуултууд /
I. Your region or town:
1. Where are you from? Where were you born?
2. What's it like living there?
3. Have you always lived there?
4. Are there any interesting places to visit in your area?
5.Would you like to live anywhere else?
II. Home and Family:
1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
2. Have you got any brothers and sisters?
III. Hobbies and interests:
1. Do you have any hobbies?
2. What do you like doing in your spare time?
3. What kinf of music do you like?
IV. Works and studies:
1. Are you working or studying at the moment?
2. Do you enjoy your work?
3. Do you need any special qualifications to do that?
V. Reasons for learning English:
1. Why are you learning English?
2. What other languages would you like to learn?
VI. Short term and long term future plans:
1. Are you doing anything special this summer?
2. What do you think you will be doing 5 years from now?
"How to be a good student?"
Have you ever faced with these problems?
- Although I know that doing my lessons is necessary for me but I can`t do anymore
- Although I open my book but I can`t read and just look.
- However, I want to do but I can`t
- I get bored easily during doing lessons.
If yes, I will strongly advise you to set your goal and plan for your whole life. You can use following methods to plan your purpose.
At first, just think about the situation where you are in 10 years. Ask yourself:
- What will I have created after 10 years?
- How will I be living?
- What will my pride have become like at that time and compare your dream with your present dreams. Then you should determine your goal.
Secondly, think about the situation after a year.
Thirdly, think about the time after 1-month period.
These 3 lists will help you to plan your work. For example, here is a plan of 1 student about his purpose and make your plan like that.
Plan for 10-year time:
- To become a good computer programmer
- To learn English and Japanese well
- To work in a big international company
1- year plan:
- To enter the university with major computer programming
- To learn with high points
- To learn in English course
1- month plan:
- To solve all the math problems in order to take the entering exam
- To find the best English course and start to learn .
You can plan your goals like this, then locate it place where it will easily be seen for you. It will help you to see it more often. If you see this more often you will be energetic and you will be encouraged. After that, set your weekly and daily work plan. Your daily plan must be included into your weekly plan.
Planning and dreaming is important for human life. Also never make joke with someone`s dream. It is said that the most stupid dream is enjoyed by everyone. There are 3 main enemies of success.
- Sleepiness and laziness
People have to sleep but the time must be limited and defined. If you want to use time effectively you should sleep less time. In order to decline your sleepiness you should determine when to sleep and when to wake up, you are not allowed to go to bed unless you feel really sleepy, if you don`t sleep after 5 minutes lying on your bed just get up and do your lesson.
- TV
It is the enemy of attention. What is the result of watching TV? Don`t watch unnecessary things on TV. It is believed TV decreases 80 percent of person`s creativeness.
- Any kind of games like card and computer games. People who don`t have goal play computer games.
Maybe, it is difficult to get up early and to do lesson with plan but after 10 or 20 times tries it becomes habit of you. Also you should have personal mottos which always encourage you like “Don`t put works later just now”. Don`t give up. And you must put high requirements on you.
Ok, you have planned your work and start to do your homework. Now you must concentrate your attention. If you can`t concentrate it is not possible to fulfill your plan. The distractions of attention are to dream empty, to worry about something and to think like everybody is better than you, there are many subjects to review but there is no time. If you face these thoughts when you are doing homework you should ask yourself if it helps to do your homework and get your goal. Moreover, I advise you never do your lesson lying on the bed. It has only 1 end. That is to sleep. If you lie the brain will concentrate on sleeping and give signal to sleep to your body.
Now I will advise you how to learn English?
In my opinion, we should “attack” all sides like reading, writing, listening and grammar in order to learn English. So you should prepare books cassettes CDs and practice tests.
When you do reading exercise read as much as you can wherever you go like address instructions and words on the board. At first, you will face many new words but don`t give up and later the unfamiliar words will become fewer.
When you do listening exercise turn your TV into channels in English. Also listen to English songs looking lyrics.
If you want to do speaking exercise make friends with foreign people who have come to Mongolia to work and meet them more often and talk to them on all topics.
When you work on grammar practice on grammar books and take lessons from English teacher.
Why don`t you guide diary in English when you do writing? It is simple but it is effective way to improve your writing skills. You don`t have to be shy if you want to learn English.
Finally hardworking and patience will let you to become a good student.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Шалгалтанд яаж бэлдэх вэ?
2. "Дасгал ажлын ном"-ны дасгалуудаа бүрэн хийх / мэдэхгүйгээ асуух/
3. Бие даалтын сорилуудаа хийх /80 асуулттай/
4. Ойлгосноо Англиас - Монгол руу, Монголоос Англи хэл рүү орчуулж шалгах
5. Ойлгоогүйгээ хамтарч ярилцах / 70 оноогоо хүснэгтийн дагуу тооцож үзэх/
6. Өдөр бүр өөртөө цаг гаргаж, англи хэлээ давтах /Өдөрт 3-хан үг цээжилбэл 365 хоногт хэд...?/
Some sample essays from Internet
1. Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Homework helps students to understand material more deeply. However, some people believe that homework does not bring any benefits. Personally, I think that this issue has some advantages and disadvantages. In this essay first I will focus on the reasons why I support this idea about daily homework and then I will move on to analyzing its disadvantages.
From the one side, daily homework brings many benefits. As I already mentioned, it helps students understand subjects more deeply. Also, young people learn how to arrange their time to have all things done on time. In addition to those practical benefits daily homework teaches students how to make their own research if something is not clear. Curiosity is one of the main reasons that leads a person to a success. Students learn to make their research, work with different kinds of informational resources such as an Internet, books, magazines, journals and newspapers. I think it is a great experience and it is very good for a long run.
From the other side, daily homework can bring many disadvantages. For instance, if a person has no interest in biology, but has a huge interest in music he has to spend his precious time doing his homework and reading uninteresting books instead of spending this time practicing new melodies. Another important aspect of this that a student can have no time for his physical activities. So, basically, doing daily homework will not keep him in a good shape.
To sum up, I think that an intermediate position can be taken. For example, a student will have to do his daily homework if he is going to specialize in this field in the future.
2. A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It is a very beautiful city that attract many people every year. My close friend is going to move here after her graduation. She already found a job and she asked me to help her with an apartment. Knowing her very well I think I can enumerate the majority of things she will like and dislike about my city.
First of all, I believe she will like a huge amount of museums, theatres, movie theatres, etc. My friend is from a small town, so, she can not enjoy all these benefits at her native town. Second of all, it seems to me that she will like the way people live here. The pace of life is much faster here then in a small town. People are always in a hurry, they try to catch a bus, then they run to the nearest subway station, go to an office, meet new people, etc. Also, I think my friend will like people here. They are very friendly and ready to offer a help to those in need.
Unfortunately, my friend will not surely like some things. As a result of a huge amount of cars and factories the air is polluted here. One more thing she will definitely not like is the weather. It is quite humid here.
However, I think she will also like the public transport here. The bus service are run by the Government and it is quite regular. If one in a hurry he can take a taxi, which also is quite cheap and provide a good transport.
In conclusion, I believe that in spite of all mentioned above disadvantages she will like this city.
3. Which do you feel is more important in your life: security or freedom and independence? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.
Security, Freedom and Independence are both important aspects in our lives. In my opinion these three things are interrelated. However, on top of my personal needs, security posts the utmost significance in my life.
There are several reasons in which I contended that security comes in first as an important need in my life. As it defines, it is the condition wherein one is being protected from the danger and loss. This is one of the reasons I want security because I want that, in any circumstances, I would feel safe and secured anywhere I want to go. At a glance of one of the breaking news recently, I heard that a 5-year old boy had left unattended by a mother playing in the park. As soon as the mother checked for her son, the boy found hit by a side truck. The boy didn't get the chance to survive. If the mother could have just stay put and watch her son, this situation could be avoided as the kid would be able to get free to play safely even in the unexpected scenario.
The second reason is that people who have struggled from a communist government are the candidate to being having less freedom and security. One example for this is that whoever opposes the legislation implemented by the government are bound to prison. In this manner, there is no freedom. For this reason, the people could only resolved this problem by keeping their mouth shut and stay passive for their security. If only a country is governed by a democratic officials there will be freedom and independence of the oppressed and more people feel they are secured and safe.
Finally, I believe that if I am secured I will be free from getting what I need and want. That's the reason I always had to put my money in the bank because in the bank I know the money I am saving is safe. Moreover, the money will be spent wisely and I can control my spending. Nobody knows when I get sick, right? For this reason, I am insured of my medical expenses whenever it calls for this matter.
Security is the best thing I need in my life while freedom and independence can be achieved once security is established.
4. Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted mammoth herds on the walls of a cave to nowadays when he works on a computer with a large amount of information. From my everyday experience and observation I can state several factors, which defend the statement that the ability to read and write is very important today.
At old times people did not depend on information that much. They did not have to fill out many application forms, write a lot, read news from a newspaper about an economic situation, etc. Now situation has changed. Knowledge and the ability to analyze information are more important now than man's physical strength.
First of all, it is essential for a person to be literate in Informational Age. Everyday one needs to withdraw money from cash machines, to pay a bill, to write out a check, to fill some forms, to read instructions, ads, job requirements and applications. It is almost impossible to survive in modern society without these basic abilities. Almost every job requires these important skills. Imagine that one does not have them and one has a family to care about. So, one's first step is to find a job. One can do it either through newspapers or asking for help from one's friends. One can not read, so one chooses the second way. Second step is to pass a job interview and fill out some forms. Moreover, one has to sign a job contract - an important document that concludes all one's rights and terms. So, basically, it is almost impossible to get a job for a literate person in modern world especially in developed countries.
Second of all, the amount of jobs that do not require the ability to read and write, is dramatically decreasing. Almost every employer wants to have an employee with basic communication and computer skills. In fact, more jobs on the labor market are for literate persons. A lot of primitive jobs are done by machines nowadays. So, it is a very good chance for illiterate people to be constantly on unemployment lists.
In conclusion, I think that every country must have strong programs against illiteracy.
5. Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good?
The main idea of progress is perfection. A man who is making progress in studying, a child who is speaking his/her first words, a scientist who has made a discovery, or an economy of some country is making progress, all of them are aspects of huge human progress. There is no doubt that progress is good for the humanity as a whole but whether it is good for the world.
For example, being anxious for success mankind often forgets about the environment. Every country has numerous fabrics with smoke rising form them. Needless to say, the amount of cars is increasing every day. World economy is making progress in creating different types of machines, vehicles that make easier our conditions of life. As a result we have many devices that make our life easier and at the same time we have acid rains, polluted lakes and rivers, our food does not have as many important vitamins as it used to, but it has nitrates, preservatives and unnatural components and ingredients.
As a result of human progress, now humanity has to deal with the problem of overpopulation.
It is my opinion that now it is time for humanity to think more about the making progress in solving the problems of air pollution, overpopulation and water contamination.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Obviously, the first teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents. They teach us to speak, walk, ride a bike, behave ourselves etc. From my everyday experience and observation I can totally agree with the statement that parents are the best teachers. In the following paragraphs I will try to support my answer with some reasons and examples.
First of all, I would say that parents are our very first teachers. They with great patience pass down the essential knowledge that we need in order to join "the real world". Children often copy their parents' habits and traits because children are sure that parents do only right things. Often children's first wish is to be like their mother of father. Parents are the best teachers because they wish their children a success and they do not teach them bad things.
However in order to succeed in today’s world children need more than just to know good manners and be able to read and write. They need real teachers who would teach them logic, mathematics, literature, foreign language, management etc. Moreover, they need to communicate with the children of the same age. Adolescence is a period when children learn more from their friends then from their parents. At this age many young people reject their parents' advices and warnings. They begin to learn from their own experience, make conclusions and analyze their first mistakes. It is very important for parents in this period to be supportive and patient. Children may slam door and refuse to do some things because they want to feel independence.
Another important aspect of this is that parents are the first people who must worn their children about the danger of drugs and cigarettes and how to avoid and say "No" when they need to. In the modern world parents must talk with their children about everything because it can save their life and make them happier. So, the role of parents is really important because it gives the strength and understanding the real world.
In conclusion, I think that parents are the best teachers because they give their knowledge that cannot be taken from books when it needs to be known by children.